YDI man. I'm normally Johnny on the spot for all kinds of Biden Gaza argumentation but this is different.
Imagine if your mom just died. Imagine if Trump did it, maybe it was during the fucked up Covid response and he deliberately broke up your public health office and seized all the masks and she couldn't get what she needed, and now she's gone, gone forever.
Now imagine someone in a MAGA hat is trying to talk to you about how Covid is fake, and won't shut up about it. How much do you want to debate them about it? Would you welcome them into your space so they can do their thing?
That's what you're doing, going to a Palestinian community and shooting off about how fucked they are now, under Trump, "whooooo boy." I actually agree with the point you're making here, factually. And the inclusion of Biden in the original post was unnecessary, and this poster sure does a lot of that. But you can't come into someone's community that is directly dealing with such a sensitive topic and start shooting from the hip about US politics and how important it is, being careless and mean about it, even if they started it by talking about Biden.
I've had friends from near that part of the world. They don't give a shit who's president. They don't want to hear about someone in US politics who did something good. The US is a source of sanctions and drone strikes and unlimited weapons for Nazis, and that's pretty much it. Someone who's in charge of the US is their enemy. That's all. We're the Empire from Star Wars, and we keep blowing up Alderaan. New emperor? Okay, whatever. How good is this one going to be? You must be joking to ask that question.
My feeling on Biden-hating Palestinians changed during the "uncommitted" time and how it extended past the primary. I thought that was pretty short-sighted, for reasons that will be obvious to you, and then I saw a picture of an event and saw Rashida Tlaib and the look on her face during the event. Just the expression was enough. Okay, I got it, you have rights to do what you're doing, lady. I don't agree with you, I'm not joining up with you, but I won't try to tell you you're wrong when all you're doing is fighting to save your life and your people. You kind of don't give a shit if Trump comes to power and blows up the US. "Okay, well, our country's getting blown up and no one cares, so sure, sounds good."
Like I say, that's not my point of view, at all, not least of which because Trump is going to blow up plenty of stuff outside the US including Palestine. I definitely think there were skilled people who latched on to that movement and tried to use it to hurt Democrats as a US political tool, too. I'm just saying that in a Palestinian-specific community you can't really use the same rules and level and style of debate about it that you would in a US politics community.
I'm just saying it's different when someone is fighting to save their life. You can even make the same point you tried to make. But you have to be kind. You have to be at least a little bit sympathetic. You probably still would have been banned for it, in which case it's a lot closer to PTB, but as it is, it looks to me like you and the other commenters were unkind enough that YDI regardless of anything else.