
joined 9 months ago
[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 3 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

He can do that on main street. He even grabbed him by the kitty.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 14 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

I want a brain update and a penis upgrade please! Yes 275Tb of ram for my penis and 6" of brain 🧠!

Yeah, two months into it and they'll be toast.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 17 points 12 hours ago

I'm still voting Democrat no matter what. LOL. I would have to get some sort of brain amoeba infection 🀧 to turn republican. But it doesn't matter either because we don't vote for the president. The electoral college does the voting. We just gotta live with the assholes they vote for.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 3 points 13 hours ago

But I mean, you gotta install an app if you want that functionality. The key thing is if you do or do not have full control of that app. While you allow it freedom in your πŸ€³πŸ“±, is it doing stuff you are not aware of that you don't want it to do. Like I found an app to do a sound sweep. Great, but will it go thru my contacts while I'm at work? It is going to learn about who I work with because it has blue tooth access. That's just nefarious shitty business that should be illegal. Either tell me what it does or don't do anything other than want you say it does. I also write my own apps for photography stuff and I wouldn't want to have to go ask a judge if I can please use my phone for specific programming I want to do.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 5 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

I gotta get employed there, but yeah similar effect.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Well then I would recommend Seattle. But expect high crime unfortunately. Basically the same deal, nobody cares about you so you gotta go homeless under a bridge and steal what you need to survive. Put winter is fine πŸ™‚. No homeless would dare be outside in winter. I mean we house homeless people in winter right? Right? We don't just snow plow them or anything in a big reset sort of way....right? Anybody? Otherwise Seattle is great πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘. All kidding aside, Seattle is good. You'll still find trump stickers around unfortunately but it's good. Except for the small surrounding little towns which I totally agree with you, they are gay deserts. But just remember, every rain starts with one drop.

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 7 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

What are you talking about! Go to sniffies.com and have a great time! Texas is like half gay people pretending to be manly.

The problem is how to update geometry from freeCAD back to blender in realtime. I want to run the render as I change the shape.


Recently I've been planning on designing some optics, nothing fancy just for a projector system that I'm messing around with. Anyway I got this idea that I could basically model the optics in blender using lux core to simulate the light path as it bounces the mirrors and passes through the lenses.

So I am able to create lenses and parts of any kind O can think of but I would love to be able to control the parts after I've created them via parameters like radius of curvature for example for a mirror.

Is that possible using a python script? Like somehow keep the script that created the geometry somehow linked to the geometry in such a way that I can come back to the script and change it later or maybe even change it using the timeline and key frames?

[–] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 44 points 1 day ago (4 children)


Ah. Are you trying to write about Theodore Roosevelt? Bing can help!


Here are 10,000 links to Theodore Roosevelt

The fox....


Oh yes! The 3D experience!

Go ahead sign in! Tell us how our shit product is broken. That's valuable information that we SOLIDWORKS can keep to ourselves and make you create a new username and password combo to remember. Ofcourse your data regarding anything is actually ours. We own it! Thanks!


I keep having to remove all sorts of

Elephants 🐘, penguins 🐧, and giraffes πŸ¦’ and other funny animals from my imaginary joke fridge!

Go get me a funny 🍺 beer!

Surprise! It's another elephant.


1)You get thru downloading the thing since it advertises support for your printer, 2)Click on it to start using it right? 3)Right? 4)X out of the login window because you don't have a login and don't want one thanks. 5) Put the newly downloaded file in the trash bin. 6) Right click on the trash bin and "empty trash" 7-10) Relax for a bit since you don't have yet another data collecting app spying on you. But then post about how shitty the experience was.

I can't believe anyone would actually create a login to use an app like this. Fuck that. I will just use shitty chitubox for now. Fuck^2, but at least I don't live in some shit server with all my 3D models stolen or my credit card or GPS or whatever the fuck they want to get from me. I'm sure chitubox is already doing it, but hey I don't need a password for that.


SO, it started quite nicely with a fully working program. However nearing the end... or at the end of my programming experience or asking it to program something for me, it wrote in some nasty nasty screen flickering shit. I couldn't stop it and it quickly just froze my screen where the only option was to push the button. I tried it a second time to confirm, but this time I was able to quickly go to a different CLI window and kill that sonobabich. Here is what it came up with in case you want to try it. maybe it only screws up my computer:

import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog

def threshold_to_black(image_path, duration):
    original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    if original_image is None:
        print("Error: Could not read the image.")

    height, width, _ = original_image.shape
    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    steps = duration * 10  # 10 frames per second

    for i in range(steps + 1):
        # Calculate the threshold value (0 to 255)
        threshold = int((i / steps) * 255)
        # Create the thresholded image
        thresholded_image = np.where(gray_image < threshold, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)

        # Resize the thresholded image to fill the window
        resized_image = cv2.resize(thresholded_image, (window_width, window_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

        # Display the thresholded image
        cv2.imshow(window_name, resized_image)

        # Wait for a short period to create the effect

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    # Display the final black image
    cv2.imshow(window_name, np.zeros_like(thresholded_image))
    while True:
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

def select_image():
    current_directory = os.getcwd()  # Get the current directory
    filetypes = (
        ('JPEG files', '*.jpg'),
        ('JPEG files', '*.jpeg'),
        ('All files', '*.*')
    filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(
        title='Select an Image',
        initialdir=current_directory,  # Start in the current directory
    if filename:
        return filename
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "No image selected.")
        return None

def get_duration():
    def submit():
        nonlocal total_duration
            minutes = int(minutes_entry.get())
            seconds = int(seconds_entry.get())
            total_duration = minutes * 60 + seconds
            if total_duration > 0:
                messagebox.showerror("Error", "Duration must be greater than zero.")
        except ValueError:
            messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please enter valid integers.")

    total_duration = None
    duration_window = tk.Toplevel()
    duration_window.title("Input Duration")
    tk.Label(duration_window, text="Enter duration:").grid(row=0, columnspan=2)
    tk.Label(duration_window, text="Minutes:").grid(row=1, column=0)
    minutes_entry = tk.Entry(duration_window)
    minutes_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)
    minutes_entry.insert(0, "12")  # Set default value for minutes
    tk.Label(duration_window, text="Seconds:").grid(row=2, column=0)
    seconds_entry = tk.Entry(duration_window)
    seconds_entry.grid(row=2, column=1)
    seconds_entry.insert(0, "2")  # Set default value for seconds
    tk.Button(duration_window, text="Submit", command=submit).grid(row=3, columnspan=2)
    # Center the duration window on the screen
    duration_window.update_idletasks()  # Update "requested size" from geometry manager
    width = duration_window.winfo_width()
    height = duration_window.winfo_height()
    x = (duration_window.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (width // 2)
    y = (duration_window.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (height // 2)

    duration_window.transient()  # Make the duration window modal
    duration_window.grab_set()    # Prevent interaction with the main window
    duration_window.wait_window()  # Wait for the duration window to close

    return total_duration

def wait_for_start(image_path):
    global window_name, window_width, window_height

    original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    height, width, _ = original_image.shape

    window_name = 'Threshold to Black'
    cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.resizeWindow(window_name, width, height)
    cv2.imshow(window_name, np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8))  # Black window
    print("Press 's' to start the threshold effect. Press 'F11' to toggle full screen.")
    while True:
        key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        if key == ord('s'):
        elif key == 255:  # F11 key

def toggle_fullscreen():
    global window_name
    fullscreen = cv2.getWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
    if fullscreen == cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN:
        cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    current_directory = os.getcwd()
    jpeg_files = [f for f in os.listdir(current_directory) if f.lower().endswith(('.jpeg', '.jpg'))]
    if jpeg_files:
        image_path = select_image()
        if image_path is None:
            print("No image selected. Exiting.")

        duration = get_duration()
        if duration is None:
            print("No valid duration entered. Exiting.")


        # Get the original

Well I set up my email server thru cloudflare and managed to receive emails directly to my basement server. I could live with this and the various security threats incoming thru my unifi. But one thing is for sure, my wife won't have any of it. She's a total backwards thinking give me windows or I'll jump kind of Gal. So I found that I could run a dockerized Thunderbird instance and I thought ... Wow! I can just login to it from my computer or my phone, Surely this is it! I can have emails backed up from Gmail to my server and just access my server! And you know what? It works! I can access my Gmail on my browser! It's beautiful!.... But then I login through my phone and wow! I can access my Gmail! Thru my phone! Except the interface is the same as my desktop. It's literally a VNC to the server. I can login to it on my desktop and watch the mouse move as I move my finger on my phone! Great party trick, but....the text is microscopic. So is there another way to get IMAP and SMTP interface to Gmail, archiving all emails on my own server? I literally don't want any of my emails to live on a Gmail server, but I want to be able to send receive and search emails I previously passed through Gmail but now live on my server.


The link makes it seem like crap hardware, and sure 4gb of ram is really crappy. But how does this compare with one of my kid's Fire tablets? Does anyone have opinions on that?


Let's imagine the possibilities and theoretically demo the results based on current knowledge:

  1. yes AI made the process fast and the patient did not die unnecessarily.

  2. same but the patient died well.

  3. same but the patient died.

  4. same as either 1, 2, or 3 but AI made things slower.


Pharmacy: Patient requires amoxicillin for a painful infection of the ear while allergic to penicillin:

AI: Sure! You will find penicillin in Isle 23 box number 5.

Pharmacy: the patient needs amoxicillin actually.

AI: Sure! The Patient must have an allergic reaction to more commonly used anti inflammatory medications.

Pharmacy: actually amoxicillin is more of an antibiotic, where can I find it?

AI: Sure! While you are correct that amoxicillin is an antibiotic, it is a well studied result that after an infection inflammation is reduced. You can find the inflammation through out the body including the region where the infection is located.

Pharmacy: amoxicillin location!

AI: Sure! Amoxicillin was invented in Beecham Research Laboratories.


It's a bad title, but I'm trying to figure out how to describe what I want.

First, I got my photoprism working thru cloudflare. Now, on the same domain I would like an email address.

So mysite.com gets routed to 56.654.234.12 let's say by cloudflare such that a global user never sees my ip. But mail.mysite.com that's different, they don't proxy email so if you do a reverse lookup you can find the origin IP.

I heard about tunnels so I stupidly signed up for that, only to learn that a tunnel just lets you into an internal network. So an SMTP server can't get emails from outside that way.

Ideally, somehow I could setup one user at Gmail or proton mail, then somehow setup the same or different user...user1@mysite.com and I could then use mailu, mailcow, mail docker to house my user1@mysite.com which routes mail thru Gmail or protonmail. I know all this makes little sense because I don't know the proper way, so that's my question for you smart people who have done this twice over. Could someone point me to the best way of setting up a local mail server that routes thru cloudflare but is not easily reverse looked up? Is that even a problem at all?


I was thinking about this question today as someone used our work printer for some personal stuff.

As for me, I am printing little things that I would say make it worth it. I've printed lens adapters for my camera for example. That's worth a good 14 to 30 bucks per print. My most favorite photo was with an adapted lens that came from a projector. I also printed IEMs and those things are worth it. Listening to music is second to none on those things. Plus I printed the same shell but for ear protection and again the fit is perfect and sure there's post processing to get smooth surfaces but in the end it looks like a professional made it. So I think 3d printers are worth it.


I am currently serving a photoprism instance for my self and the wife. I want to expand to have everyone's home folder on the server. So we would have 5 home folders, all lunuxes. Anyway so I'm looking at some old servers that actually look pretty good.

HPE Proliant DL360 Gen9

I've been comparing it with other servers and it seems to be the easiest to use for the semi intrepid admin wannabe that I am. Is there anything better in the sub $300 range?

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