
joined 2 months ago
[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 26 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Really? You want an annoying disease to be named after you? Like "fuck me i got the stoy today"

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Not necessarily, CVs have complicated formatting. Nobody (should) write blocks of text, and you don't know how many columns the candidate is using. Is the candidate using a specific section to show star based skill rating or word based? So you can still search for individual keywords but if you try copying the whole pdf and paste it in txt (which is what will be forwarded to ATS), it does not make much sense. The structure is too complicated extract where you studied, what did you studied and your grade, what other experiences you have and how long you worked there etc.

Extracting structured data is in its own right a different field of science. There is plenty of recent research on extracting structured data from academic pdfs (I was working on this in a research institute in germany around 2022), even when LLMs are used it can get really complicated to the point that there are specialized LLMs for just that.

But ATS systems are cheap/not high enough priority to even use OCR let alone LLMs so unfortunately the responsibility of making an easily parsable CV comes down to the candidate.

Try this next time you see your CV, copy its text to a txt then think about if you can write a program that can reliably extract your experience, education, interests etc. Its going to be super difficult and even then it won't generalize to thousands of other CVs.

I think OCRs are really good nowadays but i think old ATS systems don't use them or at least use old OCR. If you parse a pdf (without OCR) a word exported pdf preserve the text order much better than a latex ones.

Like i actually tried some websites and python libraries to extract the text from my latex pdf, none of them gave good results like words inside pdf would be out of order.

If i use ocr then I get good coherent text. Which is really important for ATS but I doubt people use OCRs cuz they are kinda expensive or maybe people just use old ATS systems etc

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I have gotten some response in the past that some people see europass as somewhat being lazy which is why I moved to latex. Also my CV got a bit too long with europass (2-3 pages I think).

If someone use a human as a shield does that mean its okay to kill the human shield to get to the terrorist?

I mean in a similar vein, that is like killing all the hostages in a robbery and then saying "nobody is condemning the robbers for hiding behind other humans"

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 16 points 5 days ago (9 children)

Actually this is good advice. Nowadays nobody reads your CV in the first step. Your CV first gets through an automated system (ATS i think its called). It's designed to filter out as much as possible.

The problem with PDF is that it's terrible to parse cuz it's designed for humans reading it, not machines. The only reliable way to parse it is by converting it to images and then OCR, which is kinda expensive.

So before you send a PDF, you should first try to convert it to txt and see if the content make enough sense. Or just use word to make a CV then export to PDF.

When i was looking for a job, i remember there was a website that would give you tips on your CV and they had an ATS report of your CV. I was so shocked to realize that ATS totally messed up completely to parse the correct info from my latex CV. Like I have a lot of AI/ML experience and it completely missed it and thought i had quality assurance one. And i was applying for AI jobs, no wonder I couldn't get any interviews. Then I changed it to word and an exported pdf where word wasn't accepted. I got many more interviews after that.

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I think thats much more difficult than it seems, because usually only residential IPs are the ones that don't get those. And if you start to use a residential proxy too much then that IP can also get flagged.

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Noobie question, wouldn't the ISP decide what your outgoing IPv6 address is? Like they do with IPv4? I mean no matter how many times I restart my router, my public IP remains the same so I always thought it was assigned by them.

[–] just_an_average_joe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 21 points 1 week ago (5 children)

If you think thats bad, its gonna get worse. One of the biggest biggest demographics that voted for them were young people now imagine how it will be when these young people grow up

Correction: They made pagers explode. Hazbollah preferred, not a necessity.

I don't think he is a "tech bro scam guy", i think he is worse like he is smart and has a documented track record of lying. Unlike other tech bros, he actually knows the capability /limits of his products and he still lies and makes it out to be something it's not.

They put open in their name to get good talent, investments and so people would have a soft spot for them when they collect tons of data to build their product.

Their internal chats that were released in musk lawsuit reveals they knew they were gonna switch to for profit model (they here means the top brass). But they still lied to everybody about their intentions.


Just tried to open the url, it says "The site is closed for good due to DMCA. Thank you for all your support over the time!"

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