
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Elder millennial here

Yeah. But she wanted to carry a really small purse that wouldn't be able to hold the foldable :(

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

After an impromptu upscale bar/lounge crawl with the wifey the other day.....

A shoe that can easily go back and forth from high heel/wedge to comfortable flats w/o much, if any, tooling or carrying around extra parts. She also brought a clutch purse

Wifey was dead the next day from foot pain of walking between places.



I have three situations, all would be very helpful if I could manually update the mappings of individual files or albums. If this is the wrong sub/community, can you point me in the right directions?

  1. I have an album that i accidentally mapped to the wrong artist/album combination and now it won't let me change it because I also tagged it, even renaming doesn't help.
  2. I have an album where the 1st and 6th song switched during the mapping/renaming/tagging process and now, even if I rename the files and retag them manually using id3, both lidarr and plex think they're the wrong track
  3. I have an album that's not only a standalone album, but also a disc in a box set, I'd rather have it as part of the box set, but can't figure out how to unmap/remap the album to move it to under the box set, when I have the rest of the box set already set up properly

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Rereading this a few days later, a few items come to mind

2a. Date night doesn't have to be fancy. A nice walk in a nearby park, or just a night where you can sleep/chill/watch TV together does the same as a nice dinner/drinks out on the town (and doesn't require you to dress up). The point is that you do something non-baby related TOGETHER.

  1. You're going to get tons of advice on how to raise the kid. The only piece of advice you need is this. When you get the advice, thank the person. Run it through your personal filter. If you like it, talk it through with your partner and decide if you both like it and help to implement it.

  2. You don't know them now, but you'll learn the "I'm hungry" vs "I'm tired" vs "I have a full diaper" cries soon. It's ok if it takes a while.

Yeah. IMHO Spicy is always a weird one and should be treaded carefully. But spiced is a must.

[–] 31 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Father of a 2.5 yr old here ... Have a few friends who just had kids as well.. I told them the same shpiel

  1. The next few months will be the toughest thing you ever go through (comparable to back to back all nighters in college, but this time it's for a few months)... Esp if you're working and don't have good paternity leave. But after you get over that hump. .... It gets a lot better and now you're in the club where everyone knows what you went through because they've been through it too.
  2. If your/your partners parents are in the picture and offer to babysit. Take up the offer. Go have a date night with your partner... It'll relieve a lot of stress
  3. If you live in a decent area, go for walks with the little one as often as you can. (in a bassinet/stroller obviously)
  4. If you're in a western country... If you ever feel like you're doing too little, the littlest amount of effort on your part gets much more props than the amount of effort. Just being there for your new kid and changing every 10th diaper is doing better than 60% of dads out there.
  5. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has amnesia about the next 6ish months. They'll say things like "why are you so tired? I don't understand!" Or "it wasn't that bad when we had kids".... It was. They just blocked it out
  6. When the kid gets off milk, any spices yall use usually in cooking. Or just generally like that aren't spicy. Expose it to them ASAP. It does wonders for their pallet and they'll be less picky in a few years
  7. Both you and your partner are stressed. You will fight and hate each other. Don't make any big life decisions for the next few months.

Hope this helps... Enjoy the journey.

Why a restaurant for the service.

Between my wife and I we can make a lot of good staples (roasted chicken, beef and potatoes, etc.) but we're not masters of the kitchen by any stretch.

You go to a restaurant to have someone else make the dinner and hopefully they are better than you are to make something tastier. As a side you don't have to deal with cleaning dishes.

That and hopefully they have a good wait staff to liven up things

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Iirc it's that they find Scotty from OG through plot magic and he complains about synthehol not being scotch.

Data says someone else (guinan?) Has a bottle or two stowed somewhere of something similar....

In real life you have to make your own food, make your own drinks, use your own plates/glasses/etc. and deal with cleanup.

In ds9 the replicator does everything for you.

But I get your point


[–] 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

This makes much more sense. On my first run through of ds9 and this has been bothering me

[–] 12 points 10 months ago (33 children)

Ok so next question. If the computer can magically create anything. And they are on almost all space stations (including cardassian/federation ones) what's the point of a bar?

Gambling makes sense. Paying for food/drink when you have a replicator doesn't.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Whenever there's a storyline with quark, they talk about money/latinum.

I remember in one of the next gen episodes that there was discussion about money and Picard said something about how they've moved away from money.

So do Starfleet get paid now?

Update: thank you for the quick responses. From what I'm gathering the tldr is that the following is the answer

  • Ferengi love for money/not being a post scarcity society by design
  • Bajorans being so near their slavery times and not post scarcity yet
  • Quark creating an atmosphere of camaraderie/gambling/upgraded replicators/actual food

All this requires some form of currency.

Right, I get that. I'm just thinking that the song isn't about racism. Other than the fact that he's black and has the black man's blues. If the song was talking about his life as a black man or how he ended up a bum that would be different. But it's the way a child sees a black guy with killer guitar playing skills. Very innocent


Hey all, just found this sub

Any recommendations for an electric razor to use on your head in the shower? I've been shaving my head with a Gillette simple razor for a few years now. But every time I change the blade I end up with way too many nicks and cuts.



In the US, if you make a lot, are covered by a work retirement account or you contribute to a Roth, you can't deduct traditional ira contributions right?

So that money gets added to the rest of your traditional ira monies right? and then when you hit retirement age, you have to pay income level taxes on deductions on that already post tax money right?

Why get taxed twice? What's the benefit? +Not being able to touch it til retirement age.

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