He was too lazy to do is own coup last time, just got his friends in the Kremlin to astroturf social media and goad a bunch of republican couch potatoes into storming the capiol in 2020. But Americans are domesticated so it took one person getting shot to make them run scared.
I don't think taking away their money would instantly fix their sociopathic tendencies, but it would allow them to actually engage with real human society again and the community and experiences from that would help to build empathy again.
But the reason for stripping them of their wealth is that they're dangerous, we don't give nukes to violent schizophrenics.
Way too desperate. Go take a coffee break bud, maybe troll on another account for a while to let this one cool off.
It would be objectively better to never allow wealth to be hoarded.
We should never even entertain the idea that philanthropy is helpful when it's just stealing from the poor and giving a fraction back.
Oh no why is everyone abandoning religon!?
Doubles down on anti human values
religous participation declines faster
At least they're solving the problem for us!
He's even the most likely canidate for the antichrist
Target accidentally gave me a dozen eggs I didn't order and I'm thinking instead pf eating them ill sell them to start a small buisness
The intelligence agencies aren't interested in protecting this country anymore.
It's too easy to just suck billionaire cock.
And some of that money without a doubt makes it back to him through those private institutions. As well as the tax write offs that save you more money than what you donated.
Philanthropy is a distraction from the actual good that would be done if we never allowed money to be hoarded in the first place.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
“If you're born poor, it is not your mistake, but if you die poor, it is your mistake.”
-Bill Gates
Irony is dead
It's real
Religious participation is declining.
So are the populations of the older demographics that actually vote red.
Besides violent death throws of the Federalists, it looks like humanity is on track to end this shit organically
Still, fight them in every space at every step. Make them understand their ideology and rhetoric leads to the American people shooting them dead in self defense.