Schrodinger's and Murphy's guns independently are good foundational principles for firearms safety.
Oof, get ready for the backlash. I think that in summary, what you're going to receive is anger about the belief that a group of people based on ethnicity/nationality can expel or eradicate another group from their lands because the initial group supposedly used to live there millennia ago and experienced a recent genocide attempt elsewhere. From the perspective of an outsider, it seems like one group of people (i.e. Jewish) believe they can and have the mandate to genocide another group that had nothing to do with the genocide to avoid their own genocide that is no longer a threat. Imagine if Native Americans started genociding European Americans rn, particularly bombing schools and hospitals. That's what it would look like, except the Native Americans were here for millennia, were dominant much more recently depending on the specific location, and suffered a much much more extensive genocide over centuries.
Basically, the universal moral code that is being violated is that no one no matter what has the right to genocide anyone. There is no exception to that rule. Not culture, ethnicity, religion, or even genocide. In fact, it seems hypocritical to commit the genocide of a group of people that had absolutely nothing to do with the initial genocide while claiming that genocide is horrible. It's like saying, "John killed my child, so I get to kill Jenny's child." What?? No, you don't get to kill anyone.
That's so hot! Please stay hydrated
But the thing is that here in Europe, we are more relaxed than USians because we have government mandated vacation days. It's even better when I get sick at the same time because I can catch a free ambulance ride to the hospital near the beach since there is no "out of network" medical care (whatever that means) here. I can then take mass transit from the hospital to the beach and make university-educated friends with everyone because tuition here is free. Because I didn't die in a mass shooting when leaving the beach, I can order a reasonably-sized meal that doesn't cause instant cardiovascular disease and not leave a tip because our servers are paid a living wage. I can't imagine the horror of living in such an underdeveloped country as USA. I am so glad I am in the EU.
- Sent from my phone without concern of being doxxed or tracked thanks to EU privacy laws
hell yeah! I got my fleece wizard robe out and ready. I also hit up the grocery store just in case I get snowed in and picked up some more milk, chocolate chips, and jet-puffed bad boys. Now is the winter of my content!!
It's going to hit -12°F (-24.4°C) tomorrow here. I have 4 extra blankets and 6 hot chocolate packs ready.
🎶Demver, the last painted whore, she real long and alive no more🎶
You're the one that installed the app.
Phew! Thanks for letting me know
Hi! I used to live in a US city with lots of recent Venezuelan immigrants. They would tell me about how difficult things were in Venezuela, but that they missed it a lot. Their faces would light up when I would ask them about things they liked about home. They also seemed to have hope that things in Venezuela would improve and they could move back. It must be really difficult to leave one's country to another for economic and political reasons. They didn't truly want to leave, so they miss home, never really acculturate, and feel alienated. I have been to several other countries myself for extended periods. Many of them were well-developed and welcoming of Americans. Some even had characteristics that I found better than in the US. Regardless, I found myself missing home a lot.
I don't know if it makes any difference what I tell you, but wanted you to know that the recent Venezuelan immigrants I've met in the US still have their heart in Venezuela.
That's been my experience too. In small towns, people talk and collaborate more with their neighbors and other residents of the town on matters that urban residents tend to be rigid with. It's like small-town people focus on the interpersonal relationship while urban people focus on rules and expectations. There's a sociological model that discusses it: