Boost for Lemmy means I get my reddit app back, but against lemmy, and it's glorious!
Now if only reddit will come over here.. except all the new bots :/
This is a community of enthusiasts, hobbyists and artisans who enjoy a traditional wet shave: brush, soap, and safety or straight razor. We are a part of the WetShaving community found on Reddit, Discord, and IRC.
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Disclose how the product being reviewed was acquired (e.g., PIF, loan, or purchase). If the product was provided to you directly by the maker or vendor free of charge or at a discount, you must disclose this fact even if the item will later be returned to the maker or vendor.
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Boost for Lemmy means I get my reddit app back, but against lemmy, and it's glorious!
Now if only reddit will come over here.. except all the new bots :/
Lots of good apps available now. Boost looks very nice. I've been using Sync (my old favorite for reddit), but recently decided I like Eternity because it's open source, no ads, etc.
I tried very briefly Sync, but removed it again. The ads felt rather obnoxious, especially since it's really easy not to have them , on any other client.
Eternity is a fork of the Infinity app for Reddit. I used Infinity for a while years ago, and it was a great app.
Thanks for highlighting Eternity - Infinity used to be my go-to Reddit app before and everything already feels so familiar on this app!
Btw, I had managed to sign up despite getting some error messages while doing so. Just haven't received any emails telling me that my sign-up was successful π - so Hi everybody, Dave's here βπ»
I've been trying to run a 5k every weekend, but usually 2-3 runs throughout the week too so I can keep improving my weekend time - I fucked up though.
Haven't gotten to the gym or out for a run once this week, last ran on Saturday and now going to run this Sunday. It's going to be downright miserable, not looking forward to it