
joined 9 months ago
[–] 10 points 1 day ago (2 children)

It's archaic english. So yes, I think people will think you're weird. But maybe if you start using it with your dutch friends/colleagues in english-speaking contexts, you can slowly introduce it into common usage in your community. Might be cool.

Also don't forget "ereyesterday" for the day before yesterday.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago (3 children)

tldr is great. Basically a crowd-sourced alternative to man with much more concise entries. Example:

$ tldr dhcpcd

  DHCP client.
  More information: <>.

  Release all address leases:

      sudo dhcpcd --release

  Request the DHCP server for new leases:

      sudo dhcpcd --rebind
[–] 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Teams is such a confusing app. To start off, what is it meant to be? A frontend for onedrive? A chat app? A videocall app? It's like microsoft's attemp to make their own everything app. What was wrong with Skype? Actually, Teams shows up as "skypeforlinux" (complete with a Skype icon) in Pavucontrol, so is the videocalling part of teams just a re-packaged skype? Why does the web version of teams have its own integrated Excel which is slightly different from standard web excel? It feels like the UI was specifically designed to mislead. There is a list of icons on the left that allow you to switch between different contexts in the app. The visual design makes it look like a set of radiobuttons, except clicking on some of them twice does a different action... There is a home screen, and then also a second SUPER HOME screen!? I can't even get angry it at for being a slow bloated jumble of spyware like the rest of microsoft's garbage (which it is), I just feel a sense of morbid fascination every time I'm forced to use it. It feels like an AI-generated app from a future where AI is much more capable but still utterly fails at understanding humans. It's the uncanny valley of user experience.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yeah, but that's just because Debian's software catalog is deliberately full of outdated and/or broken packages. It's like that on purpose. On most other distros native packages trump third-party install scripts any day of the week. On Debian you can just use Nix or Flatpak to get good packages.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago

This looks like one of those PC/Console comparison memes from the early days of pcmasterrace. I like it!

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

TBH cable transfer on android can be pretty shit as well. Like, if you luck out with the MTP implementation on both your phone and your computer, then it Just Works (TM). But in many cases (like mine) it's a buggy mess. I used to have a script that would sync music from my laptop to my phone with rsync, and I would have to run it like three times to actually transfer everything, because each time like 10% of the files would just... not make it across the cable lol. Now I just do it over WIFI. I really wish we could go back to the old days when plugging in your phone would just expose the microsd card as a block storage device.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Hey, do you mind telling me where I can sign up for the apple shilling program? What are the rates like? Approximately how many shill posts do you make a day? Is it necessary to make lots of different alt accounts, or can I just shill from my main?

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Get two birds stoned at once!!

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Edge is basically Chrome but with microsoft spyware instead of google spyware... and without AVIF support for some reason!?

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah but then I would have to navigate logitech's stupid website to find the download button... and then navigate it again, because turns out the software for pairing standard receivers is completely separate from the software for pairing unifying receivers... Sigh... But hey, at least it doesn't force you to make an account!

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

Don't forget Microshit's renowned Orifice software suite!

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The screenshot is from Microsoft Edge running in Windows 10 (virtual machine) with no/little browsing history and no account connected. I'm hypothesizing here, but maybe these are the reasons:

  • You don't see the ??? section because you're not on Edge. Bing AI only works on edge (it checks your user agent)
  • You don't see the ad because you have an adblocker

It's impressive how duckduckgo manages to be so much better than bing despite being a frontend for bing


I've just been playing around with . It seems no web browser provides adequate protection for this method of fingerprinting -- in both brave and librewolf the tool detects rather unique fonts that I have installed on my system, such as "IBM Plex" and "UD Digi Kyokasho" -- almost certainly a unique fingerprint. Tor browser does slightly better as it does not divulge these "weird" fonts. However, it still reveals that the google Noto fonts are installed, which is by far not universal -- on a different machine, where no Noto fonts are installed, the tool does not report them.

For extra context: I've tested under Linux with native tor browser and flatpak'd Brave and Librewolf.

What can we do to protect ourselves from this method of fingerprinting? And why are all of these privacy-focused browsers vulnerable to it? Is work being done to mitigate this?


Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger


I recently wanted to run tegaki, and my experience is pretty much summed up by the meme. I consider myself fairly tech-savvy, but I just couldn't figure out how to compile it. So I just gave up, downloaded the .exe and put it into a fresh wine prefix. After installing CJK fonts, everything ran fine. Now I'm trying to get gpaint to work. ~~My distro recently dropped support for gtk+2 (which I am fairly pissed about, since it's the last good version of GTK+), so I have to set that up manually as well.~~ [[[ EDIT: gtk2 is alive and well. I was just being and idiot and searching for gtk2, when the package is actually called gtk+2. ]]] I installed all of the dependencies that ./configure told me to, but I still kept getting obscure errors when running make.

So, here's my question: what tools make the process of running abandonware easier? Docker containers? Also, what can I use to package abandonware in order to make it easy for other people to run? Flatpak? Appimages? Any advice is appreciated!

Also, inb4 "just find a modern alternative". That would be a reasonable solution. I don't want reasonable solutions!


Does anybody know why dbus exists? I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a usecase for dbus that isn't already covered by Unix sockets.

You want to remotely control a daemon? Use sockets. You want the daemon to respond to the client? Sockets. Want to exchange information in json? plaintext? binary data? Sockets can do it. Want to restrict access to a socket? Go ahead, change the socket's permissions. Want to prevent unauthorized programs from pretending to be someone they're not? Change the permissions of the directory containing the socket. Want network transparency? That's why we have abstract sockets.

Plenty of well-established software uses sockets. Music player daemon uses sockets. BSPWM uses sockets. Tmux uses sockets. Pipewire uses sockets. Dhcpcd uses sockets. Heck, dbus itself relies on sockets!

For developers, using sockets is easy. I once wrote a program that interfaced with BSPWM, and it was a breeze. Dbus, on the other hand, not so much. I tried writing a Python script that would contact Network Manager and check the WiFi signal strength. Right off the bat I'm using some obscure undocumented package for interfacing with dbus. What is an introspection? What is a proxy object? What is an interface? Why do I need 60 lines of (Python!) code for a seemingly trivial operation?

So why do some developers decide to use dbus when they could just use unix sockets and save a lot of hassle for themselves and others?

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