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[–] 27 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Couldn't China do something about it? They do have a powerful enforcement agency, and it seems odd to be that the CCP is all for the child labor.

Or are these children some lower caste in China? Or do the Chinese really just care so little about eachother?

No man, sales people are far more important to the bottom line. Profits first, then working product in the future. It's genius, no way that model could go wrong

Reports indicate several members of an organization only identified as SCP were present during the discovery. Previously leaked documents indicate that SCP-3008 is one of this organization's "entities" that manifest as a normal looking IKEA, however the individuals that enter are rarely seen to leave. Drone footage and interviews with survivors indicate the presence of "Staff" that are violent and deadly when the stores hours are over. It is currently unknown if the General had a previous relationship with SCP-3008 or anyone that had entered it. One knowledgeable individual interviewed, on conditions of anonymity, stated that "Staff are vulnerable like any other living thing, but mines are a terrible way to go about dealing with them - Staff are alerted to the presence of staff body parts and corpses, using mines would be a foolish endeavor as cleanup in that aisle would be excessive." Person's identified as potentially related to the SCP Foundation declined to comment.

[–] 110 points 6 days ago (16 children)

The project manager keeps asking for an update every 15 minutes.

Not only do I feel this in my soul, I've been working for almost 13 years, and to this day, I'm still not sure what a project manager contributes.

The only thing I can tell is that their job is to be the designated impatient person.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Note: I don't think we have a whole lot of evidence saying that the elite in this case will abide by double jeopardy laws anyway.

Since we're already in a time where there are two justice systems, there's nothing to say they can't charge him in the Court Above and make it legal.

We have watched a man get off completely free and become president despite felonies and breaking the law. What's to say the court needs to follow that law too?

I really think the elite have no idea how much fire they are playing with here, and we're about to see it go down, one way or the other. We are in an era of no winners.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't see the result being acquittal because of the anger toward the health insurance system.

Feels like Mr. Bader himself might be a little out of touch with just how bad the health insurance system is.

Do you guys think that Zuck woke up one day and was like "yo guys, let's collectively destroy society"

That's quite the stretch but I also didn't expect a brain worm to be nominated for secretary of health

[–] 17 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Ha tell him the internet says good luck, hope he likes the taste of lead?

Ninja Edit: not a threat, just seems like someone who enjoys eating lead. Lead paints, lead fumes, other lead sources. Lead damages the body and mind in all manner of ways.

I'm sure it'll be fine. Right guys? Its just a hole in the ground. Nothing could possibly go wrong with little oversight right,?

Yeah this was a good one to wake up to.

I'm a 30+ year old man, and women in their early 20s are foreign enough.

The only things I can think of are power and control, and maybe the youth=pure thing? I mean from the appearance stand point there's really nothing different for women into their 20s, if anything they dress in different styles.

The lack of intellectual, emotional, and social maturity is really off-putting. Hell, I remember personal hygiene was an issue for some girls when I was in college. The number that didn't wear deodorant was concerning enough.

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