Twelve down votes right now lmfao
I guess that's better than calling neurosurgeons spaghetti artists
Yeah I've put 97 hours into PoE2... I am far from good..I put nearly 2k in PoE1 and I did fight all the non-uber bosses at some point.
Ok. 75k is way smaller than I thought, but enough that if they organized somehow they could get a lot accomplished by sheer numbers. But I don't exactly know where one would start.
Aren't there a stupid number of homeless already in LA?
Like hundreds of thousands?
Seems to me to be more than enough could just organize and walk right into these empty residences
Those aren't the states I picture as being closely connected to Canada, but maybe that's because I'm jealous
Jensen's whole speech. Jesus.
"There is only one holistic system of dollars that governs the totality of life on this planet. "
Not much has changed since 1976. Just gotten a lot worse.
Ok this is super uncomfortable for me to ask, but how would a Korean spy work in Ukraine?
I'm not completely sure, but I'm confident enough to state that a Korean spy might stand out
Couldn't China do something about it? They do have a powerful enforcement agency, and it seems odd to be that the CCP is all for the child labor.
Or are these children some lower caste in China? Or do the Chinese really just care so little about eachother?
No man, sales people are far more important to the bottom line. Profits first, then working product in the future. It's genius, no way that model could go wrong
Reports indicate several members of an organization only identified as SCP were present during the discovery. Previously leaked documents indicate that SCP-3008 is one of this organization's "entities" that manifest as a normal looking IKEA, however the individuals that enter are rarely seen to leave. Drone footage and interviews with survivors indicate the presence of "Staff" that are violent and deadly when the stores hours are over. It is currently unknown if the General had a previous relationship with SCP-3008 or anyone that had entered it. One knowledgeable individual interviewed, on conditions of anonymity, stated that "Staff are vulnerable like any other living thing, but mines are a terrible way to go about dealing with them - Staff are alerted to the presence of staff body parts and corpses, using mines would be a foolish endeavor as cleanup in that aisle would be excessive." Person's identified as potentially related to the SCP Foundation declined to comment.
Not entirely time accurate, but close enough