Yes, agreed
The goal is to distract from the main points of their anti-regulation onslaught
Black people helped built the U.S., what a fucking disgrace to the atrocities their ancestors suffered.
The only time America loses its mind is when there’s a national security threat. I don’t know what’s going on here, but all of these allowances seem totally out of the norm, so I am going to guess it’s something like that.
The best response to a quran burning free speech troll is to copy their free speech, burn a bible etc. who cares? It’s all nonsense anyways, and people need to get over it. There’s no need for violence or bloodshed
This is dumb, you can do America First policies and have FDR-type socialism, or Nordic model policies, together. American permanent residents and citizens should get benefits they pay for via their taxes. Simple.
A real goat 🐐
Animals. Cannot. Consent.
lol came out more intense than intended, but fr
Good luck, hope it gets resolved soon and you don’t have any bad affects on your treatment, this sucks
Trying to tell if someone is a patriot based on their race or sexual / gender orientation is fucked. There are and have been many straight, cis, white traitors of the U.S. government. It’s just insane and unreasonable to expect that just because someone is white or cis or male then they’re safe or want the best for their country. Truly magical thinking devoid from reality and facts.
Western democracies are learning a hard lesson right now. You can’t let any one player get too big or too strong.