
joined 2 years ago

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[–] enndeegee 2 points 2 days ago

Will have to see what's low. I have a feeling it's soft heart sandalwood.

If I do do that I'll scoop and keep a small sample which I did for reserve cool.

[–] enndeegee 6 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Same again sam

Two maybe three shaves left of the tub kill. And the. It's on to the next in line

[–] enndeegee 3 points 6 days ago

Poorly worded rules and me in the same sentence? Yep sounds about right.

I like the formatting tho

[–] enndeegee 7 points 1 week ago (7 children)

World's weakest shave.




not on theme and not using ait bud. That puts me out first and officially the waeakest shaver.

X-post from lemmy or whichever one it is I use.

[–] enndeegee 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)
[–] enndeegee 6 points 1 week ago

Same again.

Ring had been smashed to the middle of the tub. Not long now. (Spoiler it'll probably be end of Feb given how little I shave)

[–] enndeegee 5 points 2 weeks ago

Same again.

Once a week


Red zenith


[–] enndeegee 5 points 2 weeks ago

Same again.

Once a week


Red zenith


[–] enndeegee 4 points 3 weeks ago

You I hate because you're the Indian lather god.

I don't have you muted though

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by enndeegee to c/wetshaving

Thrill is dead and so is u/enndeegee. Atlas shaves died a long time ago. Today it returns. Ish.

Worlds Strongest Shaver lives.

Let this be understood.


  • Don’t be a knobhead. If you’ve been a knobhead you are DQd and lose all points and cannot win.

  • You track your own score this is a month of for DJ.

  • Your daily and running total must appear in your SOTD

  • Earn at least 1 non-bonus point a day or you are out.

  • Out is Out is Out

  • Last shaver standing wins, unless more than one person makes it to Feb 28th in which case points will be compared.


6 points for shaving with the daily theme soap

4 points for shaving with the artisan who made the daily theme soap

3 points for shaving with the scenter who scented the daily theme soap

2 points for shaving with a soap with at least half of the same scent notes.

1 point for airbudding the day (only one air bud point is allowed per person)

Bonus Points

+1 point for cross posting to at least two of the core channels used by our community (reddit / lemmy, mastodon whatever else).

+1 for successfully identifying an error in another sub members SOTD or for spotting a rules infringement.

-All the points for the day for mistakenly calling out another sub member

+1 for having been a good member of the community the day before and engaging with others in the community (without breaking rule 1)

Daily Theme

**Lucky’s Dad’s rule apply so ignore PAA or Lothur **

The daily theme soap is the last latherbot quiz soap before midday GMT on the day before the date.

i.e. the 1st February theme will be the last quizzed soap by latherbot before 12 noon GMT on the 31st January. If that soap is by PAA or Lothur then the theme soap will be the one before that.


Who are the Judges?

There is no judge, just a tallyman at the end. All else is based on community policing and rule 1

How do I query a rule?

You don’t. Rules are the rules. Want to push it, fine but you risk a DQ.

How do I ask questions?

Postal queries are accepted only on postcards that have a picture of a bearded dragon on and sent in to Blue Peter.

What’s a ‘knobhead’?

British slang. If you find it hard to distinguish between being funny and mean then err on the side of caution. Some examples:

P2 can be funny but he can swing wildly, miss badly and get a cob on, and Jeff’s dry humour isn’t always spotted so he can rub people the wrong way. Neither are knobheads but both can sometimes comes across as a knobheads. They should be careful. On the other hand I don’t think I’ve ever seen you-know-who be anything but a knobhead on discord, he is probably best sitting this one out or seriously thinking about why so many people on discord have him muted.

What if I want to add a prize/side contest / something else

Don’t ask permission. Just do it.

Can I cross post this?

Sure why not?


A custom Rad Dinosaur Brush.

Custom Flair for entrants and winner

Do I look like a mod?

[–] enndeegee 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

SSL kill continues the ring of death remains stubbornly unbroken and the 1914 still gives a great shave.

Still to get round to posting DJ the scrubty-four but will get there

[–] enndeegee 7 points 1 month ago



red 27mm zenith boar.

Ain't no better gem.

submitted 3 months ago by enndeegee to c/wetshaving

so I am not exactly unknown for having stupid ideas. I probably lean into it too much.

But I've had another one and I like it so putting it here for community critiques.

Atlas shaves 2: electric bugaloo

So atlas shaves is the poor unloved step child of the r/wetshaving extended community events. It's not got the weight of LG nor the community engagement of austere august. It's also kind of a weird one getting people to not shave... It doesn't quite fit, and I don't think it was properly run on the last couple of years.

But the idea of a feat of strength, of endurance and of winning by virtue of being the strongest. The world's strongest man. I like it so I want to make it come back. But more sub friendly, more the kind of thing that if I wasn't getting him to be the main prize sponsor that priusaurus would be desperate to win. Also more me. Not the kind of challenge you can win by planning ahead.

Anyway. On to the idea. It's half formed and needs some work...

  1. February obvs.
  2. Points so there can be a winner
  3. Ability to be knocked out old school lather games
  4. Last shaver standing or most points if more than one makes it through the month
  5. Multi channel to encourage community engagement across the different social media types

Basic principle you get a maximum of 10 points a day.

1 point for multi posting your SOTD to at least two of lemmy, reddit, discord, irc, or whatever others we have that are semi approved community sites Plus 1 point for actively engaging with someone else

Plus either 8 points for shaving with the days soap*


5 points for shaving with the same artisan of the days soap


3 points for shaving with the same scent maker of the days soap


2 points for shaving with a soap by a different maker that has more than half of the same scent notes.


1 point for airbudding it (note air bussing can only be used once per person)

If you cannot shave on theme, you are out.

  • The soap of the day is the first latherbot quiz answer soap from discord that is offered after midday gmt the day before. (E.g. the 1st of Feb soap is the answer to the first latherbot question asked after midday on January the 31st)


  1. Have you been wondering where the lather games side contests are?
  2. Are you worried that your lack of essay writing skills will hamper your placing in the lather games?
  3. Do you have some of the gear but no idea?
  4. Is your Imgur account lying dormant and unloved?
  5. Are your photos less u/ChrisVanMeer and more oh dear?
  6. Do you like numbered lists where the backend numbers are all over the place?
  7. Do you like Pina coladas and getting caught in the rain?

If you have answered YES to any of the above then u/Enndeegee and u/semaj3000 have covered.

##Introducing the Lather Games SOTD photo scavenger hunt side contest.

###Thirty days of lather games, thirty themes and a staggering ~~1380~~ 900 points available.

To enter simply take a SOTD picture that meets one of the themes, add the hashtag #photocontest and list the theme you're aiming for and earn anywhere between 1 and 30 ~~46~~ points.

The themes and points

See the photo theme spreadsheet. This can be found here.

To score points against a theme you need to take a photo that incorporates the theme. You get 1 point for a picture of the theme, 5 points for a model of the theme, 10 points for the real thing and a whopping 30 points for a member of the sub who meets the theme.

So for example if the theme is vehicles, you'd get 1 point for a drawing of a car, 5 points for a toy car, 10 points for a real car and 30 points if u/j33pguy13 is physically in shot. You'd get ~~46 points if you had all of the above in a single SOTD picture.~~ 30 points and a warm fuzzy feeling if you had all of the above.

~~That last bit may seem a bit daft but we're using u/djundjila's robot army and that's how his scoring system works.~~ The excellent u/djundjila has amended his robot army to meet our original requirement docs in a true agile manner.

##The rules

  • No scrubs. We're a dictatorship. Our word is the law and our scoring is based on our interpretation of the rules.
  • SOTD pictures must include the gear you shaved with, as a minimum your razor, soap and brush. If you hand shaved your hand needs to be in shot.
  • You must use the hashtag #photocontest every time your picture is on theme
  • You must also self declare which theme you are going for each day.
  • Anyone can enter including lather game judges so long as they get picked up by the portal. That includes shaves that would get you DQd from that day in the main games.
  • Entries that don't make it into the judging portal will be skipped. No argument. We're not techie and so assume its your fault not the robots
  • Each theme can only be used once. Do you dare risk an empty picture for full points against the air bud theme when it could give you 0.
  • A redditor may be photographed more than once if they meet more than one theme, however if you are photographing yourself this should be a full body shot not a lame ass selfie
  • Ain't no one want to see that though thank you.
  • Artful near NSFW content is fine. Completely NSFW content is not. If you do enter artful near NSFW content we reserve the right to use these to create a calendar to raise money to cover our therapy.

##The prize(s)

There will be two winners

The highest point scoring entrant will receive a gift voucher from a lather games sponsor of their choice

The best photo overall as decided by the judges will also receive a gift voucher from a lather games sponsor of their choice.

There's no monetary value against these prizes yet, just in case anyone wants to contribute to the prize pool (and join as a judge). Just send me a DM not a chat (because Reddit chat is shit) if you want to do that.

And with that I’ll hand over to a very wise man

– u/Enndeegee

##Words of Wisdom from a previous Lather Games Photo Contest Winner

Thanks u/enndeegee.

As the previous winner of the first and so far only photo contest, I've been contacted by the judging committee to provide some words of wisdom to budding entrants.

First, just have fun, let your imagination run wild. I love props, if you've got any great antiques or books these always add a classy edge to a photo.

Secondly, equipment. It's not necessary, I do all my work with a Google pixel and great lighting. Don't feel the need to run out and buy light boxes and SLR cameras.

Thirdly, check out the SOTD's for inspiration, there's a great depth of talent on this sub, checkout what everyone else is doing!

Fourthly, send £10 as a cheque to Mr Ja . . . Oh, bribes aren't allowed apparently.

Good luck everyone and have fun

– u/semaj3000

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