
joined 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

What did they interrupt the episode for? Because a number of companies have adopted the policy that, if the interruption is promoting something else offered by the platform - say, a different program, or another tier of service - that those interruptions aren't really ads, because the company isn't actually getting paid to air it. It absolutely looks and acts like an ad to the viewers, but the companies are trying to redefine the word.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

How [not] nice.

Mauritius will also be able to begin a programme of resettlement on the Chagos Islands,

After 50 years of abandonment, they're going to have to rebuild everything from scratch. And Wikipedia notes that the islands are "All are low-lying atolls", so any buildings or infrastructure is going to be underwater sooner rather than later.

This is nothing but a PR move.

[–] 92 points 23 hours ago (11 children)

[When launched] Prime Video with ads was given a "very light ad load," providing subscribers “gentle entry into advertising that has exceeded customers expectations in terms of what the ad experience would be like." The executive pointed out that Prime Video with ads doesn't show commercials in the middle of content. That could change next year.

Planned enshittification a la boiling frogs.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

It's the old Tacony-Palmyra Drive-In site. More fun facts: part of the area they're building on used to be a landfill for Philadelphia, which is still contaminated - they've just paved it over. Oh, and the condos they're building? They're being used to fulfill the town's low-income housing requirements (as required by Mount Laurel I and II). I'm sure the developers are being quite open with the residents that their lovely new buildings are on top of a munitions testing site and a landfill ... :(

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

There's already UXO in America. In just the past four years, WWII have been discovered and detonated on three separate occasions - and that was just in New Jersey, I have no idea about what's gone on in other states.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Just two companies, actually, Baowu Group Xinjiang Bayi Iron and Steel, and Changzhou Guanghui Food Ingredients (aspartame maker).

[–] 41 points 1 day ago (6 children)

A few years ago, near where my family lived in New Jersey, there was a small newspaper article mentioning that construction on a set of mid-rise condominiums on the Delaware River was being notably delayed, with the vague implication that there was some trouble with financing or construction or something. [To be fair, both of these were true, but for very not-obvious reasons.] But then you start tracing back through the history of the site:

They had selected the site for the condos because it had been the site of a large flea market from the late 1970s to early 2000s, so all they'd have to do was dig up the parking lots, lay in utilities, and compact the soil to be ready to build. The flea market was there because it was the site of a massive drive-in movie theatre built in the early 1950s, so all they had had to do was put up some cheap buildings that were eventually condemned and torn down. The drive-in movie theatre was there because the land had already been cleared and flattened by the US government, so it was cheap to put in a parking lot and big screen.

Why had the government so kindly cleared and flattened the ground? Well, the site was right next to a small bridge across the Delaware; on the other side of the bridge was Frankford Arsenal, where they produced munitions during both World Wars. And they had to test the munitions, so they'd drive over the bridge and test them at this site in New Jersey. And it turns out that sometimes they were either high or lazy or careless or something, because sometimes they didn't bother driving across the bridge, they'd just shell New Jersey from across the river instead.

The shelling led to a bunch of unexploded ordinance being in extremely unexpected places, until it started showing up eighty years later, when the condo people actually started digging up the ground to lay in their utilities. Of course, the condo association was quietly and casually referencing vague construction delays, because if people knew it was a munitions testing site and they'd recently found a bunch of UXO, no one would buy the condos.

[Also, while trying to look up details for this comment, I discovered three other cases of UXO in New Jersey in the past couple years. This is all very weird to me.]

[–] 32 points 2 days ago (6 children)

GenX tv addict here. I grew up in a time when, if you wanted to watch a show, you need to make an effort to be in front of the tv when it aired. If you missed seeing it, you had to hope that if was repeated over the summer (only about 2/3's the episodes of a continuing series would be repeated, and if a show was cancelled, that was it). If you missed it on summer repeats, you'd have to hold the show went into syndication, was carried locally at a time you were able to watch it, and then stalk the series because syndication packages were notoriously shown out of order (which is why almost all the episodes ended up with the characters being in the same base situation as they started out in).

It was the same thing if there was an episode or series you loved and wanted to watch again.

VCRs were an absolute game changer. You didn't have to revolve your life around a tv schedule- you could go out, to go events, go shopping, have a late dinner. You could pause tv to go to the bathroom, you could watch and re-watch episodes that you enjoyed, or verify something you thought had happened earlier instead of relying on collective memory. If you missed taping something, you might still have to wait for re-runs - but there was also the chance that someone else had taped it and could loan you the tape.

Having learned the lessons of broadcast tv, I taped everything I watched, and I kept the tapes of the stuff I liked, or that had actors I liked. I could sit down today and watch all the episodes of David Soul in Casablanca or Billy Campbell in Moon Over Miami, or short-lived shows like Space Rangers or South of Sunset.

I still record and save things locally. The myth of having immediate access to everything ever produced was always just a myth.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago (3 children)

So they were offered a 50% hike, so what? When was the last time they got a meaningful pay increase? And if it's not the money, it's got to be something else: remember when the rail workers were on strike and the bosses made big noise about the pay increases they were offering, only it turned out that the workers were constantly expected to work double shifts on no notice, with no real option to refuse, and they had no time off for months on end? Fuck that shit, pay the workers what they're worth. If I can't buy a brand new car or some bananas, so what?

[–] 10 points 4 days ago (8 children)

... am I the only one who didn't have problems with the headline?

[–] 13 points 5 days ago

It was Katrina that made me even think of doing it.

[–] 89 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Colin Gray, whose son is charged with the slayings of 4 people at Apalachee High School, asked a judge to be separated from other inmates behind bars.


Fitness guru Richard Simmons has died. Publicist Tom Estey tells The Associated Press that Simmons died Friday at his home in Los Angeles on Saturday, a day after his 76th birthday.

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