Are you an Israeli? If so, you voted in a fascist government that is currently committing genocide. Zionazis are not welcome here. Never again means never again. Hamas fights for freedom. The IOF fights for the annihilation of a people. Israel is the most immoral and destructive nation in the world. Israeli terrorism is still terrorism
There are dead and wounded people… Stop excusing fascism
"T4T social". Is this a dating site or a social media platform? It seems very confused as to its purpose. (I don't want to come of as abrasive, I am just confused by this site). The google play store rates it as 18+ and it seems to have features that would be common on dating apps (or at least that is my impression as someone who has never used a dating app) but then some of the messages / posts I see on them seem more like stuff you would see on a social media platform
Oh, I didn’t even think of Metas Threads. That is annoying.
What corporate entity is supposed to own the term “threadiverse”? It’s simply a portmanteau of fediverse and thread.
Thanks, don't know why I didn't see those comments before.
Why does the USB port say no USB?
Can someone with an account share the image, cant access the link without an account
By “ending wars in Ukraine and the Middle East” they mean “finish the job”.
I know this was targeted at the US but Ill answer from my perspective as an Aussie. Maccas used to be a good option for a cheap but by no means healthy meal. I dont eat there anymore because I no longer eat meat and the only things I would consider buying are exorbitantly priced. $1 AUD for a hash brown was a decent price, $2 is ok but not great. $3.60 for a single hash brown is simply outrageous even before you consider they are 2/3 the size they used to be. Even if I did eat meat, there are far better, more substantial options available for the same price
nixos and guix are immutable and two of the only immutable distros I like
I just hate it when the only 2fa option is my phone number.