Imagine working for NOAA tracking weather patterns across the ocean or some crazy shit and a 23 old fucking virgin loser comes up to you and tells you you're about to lose your job. Lol
joined 2 days ago
You're completely missing what he's saying, and how that number is calculated. It's an average connection speed over time and you're anecdotally saying your internet is superior because you have a higher connection speed, which isn't really true at all.
You have residential internet which is able to provide 3Gbps intermittently. You may even be able to sustain those speeds for several days at a time. But servers maintain those connections for months and years at a time...
800TB/mo is 2.469 Gb/s sustained for 30 days. They may be on a 10Gb/s connection, but that doesn't mean they have enough demand to saturate it 100% of the time.
Rethink DNS, DNS Warden, and ControlD with Hagezi blocklists via DoH/3. I highly recommend the '+ TIF' as they are threat intelligence feeds which are up to date lists of bad actors/malware.