The mods were fantastic. One that always sticks in my mind was Quake Rally. I think you controlled a car and drove it through the standard levels or some new maps, I can't remember, it's been so long.
I presume the Linux version is the same (I used the Windows version) but WiiUDownloader gives you a lovely graphical interface to download anything from the WiiU eShop servers. Even copies files straight to an SD card ready to install on your WiiU.
I'll watch this because it has been directed by Neill Blomkamp but my hopes aren't very high. The trailers make it look so generic.
In the UK, The Online Safety Bill is almost about to become law. Without going into the full details, the government basically wants to monitor everyone's messages to stop child pornography and protect people (and other stuff too).
The problem is, they want companies to scan messages and photos as they are uploaded and to give themselves backdoor access to E2E encryption services.
It's very likely the UK will lose access to iMessage, Signal, WhatsApp etc as they would rather withdraw their services from the UK than break their promise to their users.
Another big day of not much. 😆 I've got some Blu-rays I'm taking down to CEX as they've been replaced by 4K editions. I'll trawl through the charity shops as well but I'm not expecting to find anything.
I remember forgetting to pay once with a work vehicle. I was ready to pay the £35 fine but when I went online to pay, the system told me that as this was a first offence for that vehicle, they'll let me off with the cost of the crossing charge.
Right now, I had to wait 3 hours to get into the site to log a dispute. I paid for two crossings back in July but I mistyped my reg number. They don't know that and have issued me with two fines.
I'm not a fan of the Turtles but I do like them. I went to see this because my youngest had obviously got wind of it on YouTube and something about it grabbed him.
For a bit of perspective, I enjoyed the 90s cartoon, the first live action film (I love the animatronics) and the CGI film TMNT.
Mutant Mayhem was a brilliant film, even if your not a die hard fan. I love the colourful art style as well which was so fresh and different from anything else. It's probably going to be a 4K release for me, that art needs to be appreciated.
The story went in a direction I wasn't expecting and I loved Jackie Chan as Splinter. His fight scene involving an office chair was very Chan in style.
Of course there's a mid credit tease and considering they were a character I was expecting to see all through the film, I hope we get a sequel.
EDIT: I've expanded my thoughts into a full review.
I'm lying in bed, psyching myself up for my next C25K run. Then we're going swimming later as a family and that's about it. 😁
Only two hours more of work, a five hour drive home and then I'm on holiday for five weeks! What am I going to do? Not a lot. It's too help look after the kids during summer holidays really. 😁
Don't forget Hasbro have been trying to turn their properties into films including Monopoly!