It is not satire, it is usually just that the blood sacrifices are usually more obfuscated and hidden.
"The Bourgeois are not ~~human~~ animal". Though calling them vegetables is still too demeaning to the celery and carrot, who never did anything wrong. Maybe they are mineral? Lead and mercury caused a lot of suffering, and I don't feel bad about insulting them.
This is the only reason I accept to refusing to call cops "pigs". The humble swine does not deserve such a comparison.
But we are capitalists, chasing profit is the highest morality and human calling. It is killing without direct investor profit that is immoral.
There wouldn't be any outrage outside of 100s of the wealthy donors. Liberals would completely be more outraged because of norms and civility. The entire point of "drain the swamp" was that most people hate oligarchs, the point of Republicans is to redirect this off into racist and unproductive channels, where nothing ever comes of this hate for corporate and wealthy overlords.
These god-damn violent tankies. Vietnam should have just fined her a much smaller amount than the corrupt practices made them, like how the West handles corrupt oligarchs.
I think the admins just add them on their own initiative. So one of them?