
joined 9 months ago
[–] 2 points 10 hours ago (1 children)


I avoided Reddit like the plague for the first decade - I knew that it had the potential to suck me in and I did not want that. But then during the pandemic, I kept finding myself going to it for answers, and then seeing how I could improve things, and then...

I noticed that at work I would say something "snarky", which they did too but even so it's like I was going too far. I typically did not enjoy seeing such things on Reddit, but as a mod I couldn't block most of it without banning the person themselves from the entire community, so I felt that I had to put up with it - and it changed me, but not for the better. I mean not deeply or anything, but it normalized that style, which still was not good. And now for the same reason I've blocked,, and - b/c I don't want that to come into myself. I am no fan of e.g. capitalism but "behead all landlords" seems to me a position lacking entirely in nuance or possibly even substance - like "okay Karen, why do you care what I do so much, and are ready to threaten literal violence unless I comply with your wishes?!"

Yes the mistreatment of all the app devs but especially him b/c he was so careful to document it was a big one for me too, though I glazed over that b/c in retrospect I had realized that I had already started thinking along those lines before that happened. Even so, that was the final straw that crystallized it and made me finally move off the platform. A watershed moment in history, for all of us I think. Well, to be more precise I gave up my mod position and went from checking r/popular quickly from like every few hours to only checking in on my former community once a week, then once a month, then... I can't even remember how long it's been now. For awhile I became more active in r/RedditAlternatives than I was in my niche community!:-) But there is only so many times that you can tell someone something before it becomes their choice to not listen, so I just stopped going there at all.

Anyway, the problem is not just Reddit's toxic AF culture (vision, like bullshit, tends to flow from the top to bottom direction in a company), nor even entirely the for-profit model - though each of those has their own, unique bad things that they add into the mix - and in some sense as you alluded to the issue is social media itself. Like candy, it promises good things, and like candy if taken in moderation it can be absolutely fine (especially during a pandemic when social distancing, especially in countries like the USA where "flatten the curve" was somehow taken as a challenge to encourage doing the exact opposite, to "pwn the libs" or sth I dunno), however also like candy it can leave someone unfulfilled if we always turn to the "easy doomscrolling", rather than allow our attentions to absorb longer-form content like say, a TV show, or even movie, or even a fully online & free college course like Crash Course World History.

Social media can wreck our lives! Or it can enhance them, depending on how wisely we make use of it:-).

[–] 2 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

This is an excellent article. I was just barely beginning to think (still subconsciously, i.e. still intuitively rather than focused) about leaving Reddit anyway, b/c of all its toxic BS, even prior to the blackouts and Rexodus, when I read this. I could not put it down!!!

But I had to, in order to go to work, and yet I picked it back up again ASAP and kept reading through lunch. And as a result, I gave up my mod position of two subs, left Reddit virtually entirely (though I partially stayed for a couple months to post about Kbin/Lemmy), and came here (the age of my current account does not match up b/c I was first on Kbin).

So yeah, it's long, but like... it PERFECTLY describes what I was intuiting! That Reddit was trying to turn me into a pedantic, narcissistic asshole, by curbing my impulses whenever I wanted to be kind yet encouraging the opposite to let my dark side flow against someone in order to demolish their arguments. Long, detailed answers to someone with specific questions and pleading for answers were penalized, yet short quips like "u suk" got heavily up-voted.

But it's not merely Reddit ofc, it's also Twitter, now X, and FaceBook, and any for-profit social media that prioritizes "engagement", e.g. talking rather than listening. e.g. why is Reddit's search function virtually nonfunctional, and why can each sub only have a maximum of two pinned posts? (I almost started looking into what it would take to write a bot that would allow for a megathread of megathreads, which the native Reddit refuses to provide for, except I could see the writing on the wall that bots were going to be obliterated, so I didn't bother.) Every single time such limitations line up with making new posts, their profits always magically seem to be increased - bc recall that ads are between posts, not between comments, so more posts = moar ads! Even if people stopped responding to people's questions... although usually someone somewhere would at least try, so it increased "engagement" of the type that furthered profits, while decreasing it overall. Hence these items were never going to be fixed.

Hence Reddit was enshittified. e.g. in r/Android people would constantly ignore the begging, pleading, demanding, and threatening from mods to put requests for new phone recommendations into the weekly megathread... and some huge fraction of posts to it were always like "what phone should I buy?", "what Android phone should I purchase?", "Which model phone should I get?" (until they could get removed) - often with no other details given, somehow extremely often back to back, as if nobody else in the whole entire world existed with the same identical damn question, these childish minds (of whatever age) just continually blurted out their requests for attention, spamming the entire world and preventing serious discussions about Android, which basically had to move elsewhere - i.e. the kids got so noisy that the adults had to flee the room looking for a more contemplative quiet.

Which is why we all find ourselves here:-). But even here, the addictive nature of even not-for-profit social media still has its dangers, as too does eating too much food etc., it's not the thing itself (once the profit incentive has been removed) but the amount that can be deleterious.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago

Right, so whether they "can't" or simply "won't", either way they don't, and the problem just grows and grows with no bounds.

[–] 7 points 16 hours ago

Fair enough!:-)

[–] 33 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

Bold of you to presume that people will be allowed to read about these times, in the future:-).

[–] 24 points 17 hours ago (7 children)

What's odd about today's "democracy" is how increasingly little government itself matters, next to corporations that are stronger than nations.

[–] -1 points 17 hours ago

And due to such things as gerrymandering, we all get to share in the outcome.

Another thing that "they" say:

A stitch in time saves nine

It is not for me to judge exactly, who was not quite there, but very little of what has been done has been performed in secret. People have been watching, and yes even warning us, every step of the way. Now, people are shocked, Shocked I say, SHOCKED, but... we should not be. We all knew, or at least were warned, about the consequences, we simply chose to ignore it all.

e.g. Brexit looks to be something that can never be undone - as in even if it were technically to be done, the UK will never hold such a place of prominence again. It will fade into obscurity, eventually counting itself lucky to join the EU on whatever terms the latter will choose to dictate at that time.

And the USA looks likely to not survive to see that happen - in its current form at least. Assuming that Trump loses the upcoming election, which seems still roughly 50% at this juncture, the Supreme Court shenanigans, the absolute, I mean near-total brokenness of Congress, and the very next election in little more than 4 years time still await. And this time, whoever sits atop the Executive Branch will have the legal authority to assassinate all of their political rivals. Like Brexit, this is by no means over and done, and we can still go so much lower from here.:-(

Which might not be such a bad thing after all, to replace a broken system with a better one, but I do worry about this transition period.

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago

I, for one, am glad for that.:-)

[–] 9 points 18 hours ago

In the wild? No.

But with this kind of dipole moment, how could these ones not be!?:-P

[–] 7 points 19 hours ago

This headline would have carried a ton more weight if it wasn't so extremely click-baity.

The ends do not justify the means?

[–] 28 points 20 hours ago (5 children)

Well you know what "they" say: those who study their history - FUCK! - still end up repeating it, when nobody else around does the same.:-(

[–] 26 points 1 day ago

Entirely separately from the message content, I find it so awesome to see the author acknowledge their potential biases right at the start! :-D

So much of journalistic integrity seems dead these days that I wanted to call that out as being good, even though it probably is mandatory, but even so... how many would actually do it?


(The title you see below mine is the wording chosen by the OP of the full post - I hope I do not cause offense, but I cannot control it showing up here as it is linked.)

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

icon used on

Originally a light-hearted post poking fun at and doing a survey to gather input, but it has turned into a thought-provoking deeper dive into what it really means to be someone that people would call a "tankie". Note that to some (die-hard conservatives), we all are "tankies" on the Fediverse, but is there a meaning beyond the pejorative of merely "holding a belief that I do not personally agree with"? Come and join the fun, or read about the community consensus even long into the future?, like and, has consistently been accused of improper Federation practices and many instances have decided to ban one or both of the latter by default, with many individual users having already gone further to block the former as well. However, many individual users on seem unaware of the accusations of the practices of their admins, and some people go so far as to see as a sort of default instance on the Fediverse.

This discussion promotes wider knowledge of the situation and what might be done about it in the future, in order to e.g. not turn away new potential Federation members (Fedizens?:-) that could otherwise associate what happens on that instance as something relating to the Fediverse as a whole.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

A video titled "This Video Will Make You Angry", by CGP Grey, about how memes evolve in the same manner as living organisms, though in this case those most successful tend to be the ones that engender anger in their target audience.

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