Oh, shit.
So, you resort to name calling? Why should any of us engage with you?
I stopped reading after that.
Nah, just us tech heads that are willing to put in the effort (and I'm not, Linux on the desktop has a long way to go, and I use Linux for all sorts of services).
99% of users can't be bothered to understand the concept of a web browser, and that there are different ones. Switch them to any Linux distro and they'd freeze like deer in headlights.
Source: decades of providing support.
And yes, dumb move my MS, not sure what they're trying to do here.
Looks like it's supposed to say that, but currently doesn't. Lol
That was a very cool read, thanks!
Also, as you noted, it's varmint, not varmit. It's etymology is vermin. Sounds like something a yank would get wrong (as a half-yank, I can speak to this).
I'm pretty sure that pot predates that machine. Nice.
And we had both!
Serious question - is it really that hard to just have a spreadsheet?
I can't imagine having so many subscriptions that a pretty simple spreadsheet couldn't handle it.
Oh ffs. How dumb
Plumicorns! That's impossible to beat.
Hahaha, that pic of the Rock nails it! See, owls make great memes.
"I see what you did there"
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" haha
Though a head turn to looking at the camera would make it perfect!