He hasn't turned fascist though
Crimes against humanity is as good as a warcrime buddy boy
Good-ol Streisand affect
Hey man build whatever you want, so what's it called ?
Your biggest mistake is assuming that those tools will help against a country that has experience dealing with actual superpowers on the frontlines Backed by a nuclear power & a 2nd superpower
Why not contribute to Mbin & PieFed ?
Money & subreddit & along with the staff & content (it's literally copy paste)
What ads & what scam ? Disroot ? Picocrypt ?
PG's Jonah Aragon steal PT's creator's funds & his subreddit & censors anyone who mentions it They shill for apple & attack other more reputable privacy youtubers But I guess PT is bad, because you said so😂
Until it happens to them
You are one of those exceptional ones
The same reason you'd be sympathetic to USA
Posteo is another good one, Disroot as well