
joined 4 months ago
[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 35 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

"If you pass these bills, and reject womens care, women will DIE!!!"

"Pssshhhh no they won't! Quit being stupid!"

women die

shocked pikachu faces

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 3 points 5 hours ago

But hey, at least we changed a few sports team names. So that's something, right?

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

Please tell me she's using grant money to conduct these science exparements!

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 2 points 7 hours ago

Really? You never used kung-fu to disarm swat teams, killing dozens with their own guns, while never taking damage yourself? You never sped through your local streets as tanks shot mortors at your toyota geo?

You're telling me your wife never saved you with rockets fired from a helicopter in a high speed highway chase?

Yeah........you didn't read a single sentence of the comment you replied to, did you? Aw hell. What makes me think you'll read THIS far into the message??? Tiktok is just what this generation has been needing. An entire generation of kids who don't waste their time reading!

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 8 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

May I introduce you to RadioShack? Where they used to prompt you to sign up for a credit card, ask to record your personal info on a RadioShack loyalty card system (that nobody seems to remember), and one time, the lady asked me to impregnate her. I'm unclear if that was RadioShack policy, or if she was just itching. Either way it was kind of messed up, because I was 14. I looked and sounded older, but I was 14. She was like 30ish.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 8 points 12 hours ago (6 children)

Yeah........try that in CVS.

"No no, I'd rather NOT have a reciept that's 3 miles long, because I bought a candy bar....."

But we already cut down 3 trees just for you!


"Oh, you're taking this irrelevant slip of paper! We have armed guards to make sure you do! There is a world war 2 tank outside that will crush you, and blow up your car! I know it's not really a war worthy tank, and in that sense it's obsolete, but it can still more than handle your toyota geo. Now then....take....the....reciept!



And then a Kill Bill-esque fight scene breaks out. You know, like when she fought the crazy 88s. Except instead of a group of ninjas headed by a 14 year old Japanese girl, it's a group of swat team members headed by a 17 year old CVS register worker wearing a red CVS vest that he uses as a choking hazard on you in the fight.

Your goal is to dodge bullets, matrix style, while disarming one guard to shoot the rest of the guards dead, so you can fight this CVS employee one on one, as wave after wave of reinforcements constantly change the dynamic of the battle.

Finally, after defeating all the guards, you return to your car to return home, and as you make your turn onto the main road, thats when you see it. A world war 2 era tank firing mortors at you, as you're forced to weave all over the road. Other cars exploding, you're all over the road, a helicopter has joined the chase. Suddenly the helicopter is firing air to surface missles, and as you dodge them, they blow up the tank.

The helicopter then lands right in front of you on the highway. As you prepare for the final battle, the door opens it's your wife. You both embrace, and take off in the helicopter. Forever on the lamb. Always running from the threat of CVS employees that can strike at any time.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 14 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

And then there's guys like me. I don't announce when I'm coming. I grab the items myself, and then I pay in cash. Nonsequential bills. I'm like a ninja! I can't be traced! Shashasha!!!! Pocket sand!

Then on the way home, if I see someone following me home, I make 3 left turns. If they're STILL following me? I turn around, and I shoot them........a dirty look!

What? I'm not a psychopath. I just don't like being followed.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 22 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Password is WeirdAl.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 117 points 1 day ago (5 children)


I remember 10 years ago looking at a calculator app in the android app store, and seeing the permissions. And thinking "WHY THE FUCK DOES A CALCULATOR NEED MY LOCATION, AND ACCESS TO MY PHONE CONTACTS???"

Fuck THAT.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 32 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I don't know what to make of this. Regular tiktok just is sooooo offputting to me. The 50x overlays. The voiceovers which are the basis of the content, with the video that has NOTHING to do with the content. The chinese spying. It's all just very bad.

But then I remember a federated version would be.......different. I can't imagine it would be like tiktok with text overlays. I can't imagine the content would be similar either. It'll be like "here's the better way to sudo your linux....."

Which, as someone who doesn't care about linux, I'd find it less offensive, but still wouldn't care about it.

All in all, I'm not excited for it.


So as you can see in the picture, I threw a party last year. AEW is a pro wrestling company, much like WWE. They had this big outdoor show at Wembley Stadium in London. Sold something like 80,000 tickets. We watched live on PPV.

It's the first time I ever threw a wrestling watch party. I invited 4 people. I bought cheese, soft pretzels, bought chips/queso. I had vodka, whiskey, beer, and 3 different THC vape pens along with edible gummies. I also had coke (the soda), barqs root beer, and one of the special novelty mountain dew flavors.

I cooked chicken, and cut the cheese into cubes with individual toothpicks. I got out my good plates. And used the projector to make the screen 90 inches.

Only 2 people showed up. Nobody ate hardly anything. Nobody drank anything. Hardly anything was said. This picture was taken AFTER the party. We went through 1 bag of chips, and 1 1/2 jars of queso.

I literally could have just bought 1 bag of chips, 2 jars of queso, and saved $100 and 2 days of prep work.

I even had 2 different styles of BBQ sauce for the chicken.

Yes, it's a year later, and I'm still mildly infuriated over it!


Because let's say you're Tom Hanks. And you get TomHanks@Lemmy.World

Well, what's stopping someone else from adopting TomHanks@Lemm.ee?

And some platforms minimize the text size of platform, or hide it entirely. So you just might see TomHanks, and think it's him. But it's actually a 7 year old Chinese boy with a broken leg in Arizona.

Because anyone can grab the same name, on a different platform.


I'm really liking the worth RetroMags is doing, and notice they have 16K members, so I assume it's about 4K active monthly users.

I'm wondering if to expand both their users, and the fedizerse's users, if it would make any sense at all to use the servers they use for downloads on a new Lemmy instance, that creates a seperate community for each magazine, and auto populates a new post in the correct community every time they post a new download over on their forums.

They don't REQUIRE membership to download, which is what this whole idea is based on. Since I assume it would be entirely too costly to have downloads on their forums AND a duplicate set of downloads on a seperate server. Seems costly given their massive scale.

Am I dreaming pipe-dreams? Or should I let them know about this idea?


So I just signed up for Mbin at Fedia.IO, and part of the registration says it will send out an email to complete the registration. Great!

It's been like 10 minutes with nothing in "all mail" and nothing in the trash or spam folders either. Is this something I need to wait a while for, or has something gone wrong, and I should contact their staff somehow?


I wish the fediverse would just stick to one set of jargon, and everybody uses the same terms to mean the same thing. Even "instances" should just be called "servers". That's all it is. This server talks to that servers, and information is exchanged.

So, if I understand this right, "magazines" on Mbin are the same as "communities" on Lemmy, are the same as subreddits on reddit. Three names to mean the same thing.

And a "Thread" is just a post. Like I'm making a post right now on Lemmy. If I did this on Mbin it would be called a "Thread".

But then I see there's also "comments" which is self explanitory (I hope...)

And there's also "Posts". But if Threads are posts, then what are Posts?


........I keep thinking I have things figured out, until someone says "yeah, but have you tried this?" and then I look into it, and I'm confused again. Arg!


Toad has good taste! Cherry? Good pez! Raspberry? Good pez! Lemon? Usually that spot is Grape, and Lemon is better than Grape!

Cameo appearances by Mario and KK Slider.


So I feel like I'm doing peertube wrong. I'm trying to find good content, but it feels like every single instance I find is just "here's the linux news, here's the new linux tips, here's the linux gossip, linux linux linux!"

And I do not give a shit about linux. I learned long ago that I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I just want to find the non-tech, non-video game content. I don't know what I'm doing. I want to search all the instances, all at once, and see what the system recommends.

I don't have a peertube account. I have a piefed account. I'm not against getting a peertube account, but at this point, it's ruining the whole point of the fediverse. If I need to register for a peertube account to have a decent experience, what's the point in having all these services be interconnected. Registering for peertube account would be the THIRD account I would have for the fediverse. But at this point, I just want to find the content.


So, I was thinking that I joined Lemmy.World because Lemmy had more users than MBin. But today I was looking at https://mbin.cocopoops.com/ and started seeing MY posts. I knew Mbin could have different instances. I knew Lemmy could have different instances. And I knew they all federated together.

But I didn't know Mbin could federate with Lemmy. But I'm sure Lemmy/Mbin probably won't federate with Pixelfed, or Peertube.

Mbin, piefed, and Lemmy are essentially reddit replacements. So they should be in a circle. It doesn't matter how many users Mbin has, or piefed has, or Lemmy has. It matters how many the full circle of federated reddit replacements have. Because thats the true circle of users that you can interact with.

So what we need is a website that you enter an instance, and it tells you how big your circle would be on that platform, and a list of federated, and defederated instances with it.

So Lemmy.World would have a pretty high circle. While hexbear would have only itself, if I understand right.


So I found this rather amusing. This is a Hudson News store, which if you've never been to an airport in your life, is kind of like a corner store....except in an airport. Inflated prices and all.

Anyways, they have this display, and I found it funny. I work at the airport, and yesterday these two shirts were facing each other. The red one is a trump 2024 shirt, and you can clearly see the other is a Harris 2024 shirt. They're meant to be facing each other as if they're debating. But somebody turned the red shirt to face a pillar. So It doesn't matter if you're outside the store (the perspective this display is meant to be seen from) or inside the store, no matter which direction you see it from, it's just a blank red shirt.

Now maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I like to think it means somebody saw the image of a trump shirt, and got so offended they turned a lifeless mannequin to reject the message of the shirt. Thus making a political statement about the placement of a mannequin due to it's shirts content.

And when you think about it, that's the MOST hard a shirt can go in 2024. It's not quite censorship, but it IS sending a message..........or hell, maybe I'm wrong and somebody bumped the damn thing.

For the record though, I'm pro-Harris. I mean, not enough to buy a $60 T-Shirt that doesn't fit me at an airport, but still.


Bob Hoskins, or Capt Lou Albano?

No Charles Martinet in THIS one!

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