Oh mondieur. It was no other but Carl Rânsairè, the probably most unsuccessful chef of all time, who invented le pique-n'i-que. Work- and shelterless he put old shoe soles that he found on dry baguettes that he stole from the duck feeding seniors in the park, trying to sell them there. He died after he ate one of his creations. But his legacy remains
joined 1 year ago
Yeah I can count the pixels on one hand too
Thank you, because I was only joking with that last one
Hm i wasn't expecting that. Is it really because of BBT or maybe just me joking about my intelligence? I mean i could understand that
Big bang theory. Sheldon made me realise that I am often selfish, compulsive neurotic, socially inept, an asshole without realising/ wanting it and super intelligent.
"Hey that was actually a pretty good performance for a beginner!" vs. "Well that was also pretty good..."
Nun als ich heute Nacht besoffen war dachte ich irgendwie mein Kommentar wäre gefickt eingeschädelt