
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 48 seconds ago

No, it's just a fundamental, inescapable fact of your voting system that voting for a candidate that won't win, instead of voting for the candidate who might win and you'd prefer over the other most likely candidate, is a vote for the candidate you'd prefer less.

Neither the Democrats nor Republicans are acceptable.

Please look up the spoiler effect earnestly (cgpgrey has a passable video on the topic). It's not the voters fault they're forced into voting for candidates that aren't their favourite, it's the voting system's fault.

Correct, the system will never change without revolution.

As a citizen of one of the US's vassal states, I can't vote, but this shit affects us all, as the US is the world overlord. A trump presidency would be devastating, in my point of view

So would a Harris presidency.

Please fucking vote for the Dems if you'd prefer them over the Republicans. Please learn how your terrible system actually works. This vassal begs you.

Neither major party is acceptable. You don't fix a bleeding wound by adding another.

Oh and campaign to improve the voting system so you can actually vote for the candidates you like best.

Will never work, because the Capitalist system maintains itself and will not allow its power to be wrested electorally.

[–] 1 points 3 minutes ago

Frankly, you might as well not bother to vote if'n you're going to vote third party.

Advertising your party platform, signaling strength, and delegitimizing the electoral system are valid reasons to vote third party.

Frankly I won't take any third party seriously until they start caring about down ballot elections where they can make a difference, show people why they should be elected, and change the laws that keep them from being elected.

This is ridiculous. Third parties are not allowed to work within the electoral system, the DNC and GOP collude against that. The electoral system isn't some fantasy where a bunch of parties try to prove their worth, it's dominated by Capitalist donors and establishment parties, hence the necessity for delegitimizing it.

[–] 2 points 20 minutes ago

The physical reason not to prop up the democrats is that the democrats are leading the US to the end of the world, just like the republicans, and legitimizing their rule makes leftist organizing more difficult.

[–] 2 points 24 minutes ago

If you don’t think you can do it from within, do it from without and have your revolution on the streets—dont spoil the candidate that more closely aligns with your views.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans more closely align with Marxist views, both are so far removed that it isn't a spoiler.

[–] 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 27 minutes ago)

I am loving it apart from the stance on china and russia.

For clarity, they have the consensus stance among Marxists, which is in line with the rest of their platform as Marxist-Leninists.

The is U.S. is at peace with russia and china.

Not quite. The U.S. is constantly hostile to Russia ever since it threw off the Western financial monopolists who looted the USSR's former state assets, and the US has become increasingly hostile with China ever since it became increasingly clear that China was never going to become a free-market paradise for the West to loot like they did the Russian Federation, to the point of preparing for war with the PRC by 2027.

In the meanwhile the two countries eye their neighbours in order to seize up as much land as they can

That's certainly the western view the media would have you believe, though it's worth noting that China especially has been incredibly peaceful since its founding, while the US has been at near constant war. It's largely projection and manufacturing consent for said war with China.

Russia already started seizing land of a sovereign nation. Or do these people believe that russia is "anti-capitalist"?

Russia is 100% a right-wing Capitalist nightmare, but in throwing off predatory Western Finance it is more nationalist, and stands against Imperialism as Marxists understand it (specifically a form of international monopolist Capitalism based on extraction).

Do not get me wrong, i am also in favor of cutting military budget but this is something that needs to happen globally or will simply mean that some countries are free to bully others (which, fair enough, the U.S. tended to do a lot).

The US is the number 1 bully because it is the largest Imperialist power in the world, hence the current genocide in Palestine through its vassel Israel.

[–] 2 points 1 hour ago (2 children)
[–] 0 points 1 hour ago

It's an incredibly privledged position to intentionally decide to sacrifice Palestinians and support a genocidal regime, one that is failing to assist the rights of queer people, women, and immigrants, and one that is failing to adequately address climate change, and is working towards World War 3.

back ranked choice

  1. Would not fix the problem that candidates are filtered and preselected
  2. Will never pass at meaningful numbers
  3. Neither party wants RCV
[–] 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

"Capitalism itself cannot be reformed. Its supreme law and driving force is the maximization of profit. The only force capable of putting an end to this criminal system is the organized working class. Capitalism cannot be voted out of power—it will take a revolution. The capitalist class will stop at nothing to prevent or overturn reforms by repressing, misdirecting or quelling any form of popular rebellion. Without a complete uprooting of the system that causes all the problems workers and oppressed peoples face, exploitation and oppression will still exist. The capitalist state will continue to rule. Capitalism is a failed system that, in its insatiable appetite for ever greater profits, threatens global ecological destruction on an unprecedented scale, with workers and oppressed people bearing the disproportionate burden of the environmental disaster. More than at any other time, it is the working class that holds the future for humanity. For the people and planet to live, capitalism must go. The Party for Socialism and Liberation is dedicated to building a revolutionary workers’ party in the United States. A party that can unite the multinational U.S. working class is an essential and irreplaceable element in the struggle for socialism."

Taken right from their very public PSL Party Platform online. You clearly are entirely unfamiliar with Marxism and PSL, why act like you know more than you do? I can make theory recommendations if you want, but don't pretend to know what PSL's goals and methods are without even reading the party platform, that's silly.

[–] -1 points 2 hours ago

Third party candidates and their supporters sure seem to.

They don't.

There hasn't been large ideological shifts within the 2 major parties? Are you serious? I will provide you an example: look at the GOP. The past several decades right wing radicals have focused on capturing local elections and statehouses, it has been wildly successful for them and has allowed these people to completely capture the party and expel pretty much any opposition. Capturing a party is absolutely in the table, we literally have historical examples with these same parties.

Why has the GOP (and DNC) gone further right? Random radicals? No. Fascism is Capitalism in decline, it's an inevitability that the establishment parties would move towards it.

[–] 4 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

I already answered it.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago

You'll notice that the government did far more of the killing than the Communist revolutionaries. And, like I said, metrics are improving since overthrowing the previous regime.

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

I'll just copy and paste my earlier explanation, hope it makes sense for you this time:

Participation in bourgeois elections is to delegitimize the system (such as pointing out Dem/Rep collusion to kick them off the balot in Georgia), and advertise their platform.

Marxists believe revolution is necessary and electoralism is a sham.


I've always held the belief that music wasn't better in the past, people just have survivorship bias. What are your genuine favorite albums of the last few years?

Personally, I'm loving The Rime of Memory by Panopticon, Ants from Up There by Black Country, New Road, and Hellfire by Black Midi.

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