Dem Lawmakers Introduce 'Contraception Begins at Erection' Bills in Multiple States.
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Getting rid of the laws won’t help you creating new laws won’t help. Getting rid of these 90-year-old Republicans who have been sitting in an office since the 60s would solve everything 
Riiight because the 42 years old creep republican Gaetz wouldn't pass a terrible law?
It's republicans not old people.
At this point the ancient people are the most likely to flip if certain lines are crossed. They were there before the current politics and don't have a future to risk. Plus decades of ego.
The young guys aren't even going to consider voting with dems no matter what the situation. They all recently went into office being onboard with everything.
I forgot about Gaetz, but was thinking about Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein, and Jim Rush, who are all somewhere between 80 and 1000 years old 
Dianne Feinstein is very dead.
Yeah she was 90 when she died.