
joined 1 year ago
[–] waka@feddit.de 1 points 6 months ago

0° = Water frozen 23° = Comfy Indoor temperature ~36° = Human body temperatur 100° = Water boiling

I guess you have super hot snow over there. Pretty cool!

[–] waka@feddit.de 2 points 10 months ago

That's horrible. Moved from vanced to revanced the moment it was properly working with the manager tool. Had the chance to look at the stock app a couple of days ago. It's not even about the ad-blocking anymore. The stock app is borderline unusable.

Also fun fact: Youtube managed to pull off a cobra-effect with their recent fight on adblocking. That was a fun realisation when I heard of that.

[–] waka@feddit.de 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Vegetables do provide some nutrients and buffering, yet they're not an absolutely necessary main source IF you have access to good quality meat, eggs, fish, etc. Those things have a very high micronutritiants-content, as long as they are of good quality.

On Rabbit poisoning, looked it up. That is based on an absolutely purely protein-based diet with little to no intake of fat and carbs, as far as I understand that right now. I did not state that eating purely protein is okay, just that the body can make up for deficiencies in fat or carbs as needed. So eating nothing but chicken meat without any fat or carbs would likely cause rabbit poisoning symptoms as well. Which is, again, not what I stated.

[–] waka@feddit.de 3 points 11 months ago (13 children)

That is correct. Your Body mostly needs good protein sources (there's no such thing as too much protein intake except if liver/kidney diseases exist already) since it can only reuse part of those in the body, not synthesize all necessary forms of it. Everything else (fat and carbohydrates) is purely energy. Sugar, starches and anything with sugar is just carbs to the body in different forms. The body can synthesize those as needed, whatever of both is deficient. Your body most likely runs a lot better on fat, according to anyone who tried.

[–] waka@feddit.de 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

AFAIK they said within this year.

But I expect that most addons won't work out-of-the-box on release day. Many of them will be either conceptionally incompatible or too resource intensive for most Android phones, which makes Android kill the app. The Devs said they created a framework to fix this issue, which extension devs can use to adapt their extensions for mobile browsers.

Don't expect every single addon to work right away. It'll take time - probably a year or so - until most relevant extensions support mobile Firefox.

[–] waka@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Big companies are not to be trusted. That has never changed and probably never will. So yes, this is definitely a loophole that is probably exploited a lot.

And as is so often the case - as annoying as it is - anyone with enough knowledge bypasses all this crap.

In this particular case: an add-on that automatically accepts all cookies and one that automatically deletes all cookies after closing the tab or browser, excluding a defined list of exceptions and specific rules defined therein. I don't need to mention adblockers and DNS obfuscators; everyone with half a brain uses them anyway. The same applies to mobile browsers. Firefox is currently still one of the last remaining defenders against the Chrome epidemic (it has unfortunately lost in the iPhone world due to technical K.O. ).

[–] waka@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

IMHO different purposes. From highest to lowest content value:

Forums: Topic-specific, ongoing discussion, like sitting around a table with a sign above it saying what it is about (title) and people discussing one at a time, giving everyone time to think about their arguments and speeches. Slow, effective, tends to get off on the wrong tangent, and therefore prone to bashing until someone reminds everyone what the title was. This slowness is what makes people think, and therefore prioritises the accumulation of knowledge. I've seen plenty of forum threads where there was no answer at first, but slowly a proper one emerged. The big disadvantage of forums is that, as an outsider, you have to find the answer deep in the threads. There are now mechanisms to promote the best answer, chosen by the poster or by voting. This helps, but you get the same side effects as with message boards. Speaking of which...

Message boards (Reddit, Lemmy, 4chan (technically), Mastodon, Twitter,...): Focused on a discussion, but less on textual content, more on media content. Where forums are all about speeches and discussion, message boards are all about quick comments. Great for having fun, not great for getting people to think about what they are saying. Adding voting mechanisms simply solves the problem of searching for the best answer, but the nature of message boards makes it more rare for people to create that best answer. High thread throughput mitigates this to some extent, but it's exhaustive on all parts (infrastructure, mods, participants). As a side effect, voting encourages radical behaviour for the sake of higher self-esteem, stifling niche discussions and encouraging broad topic superficial discussions. I have to add, though, that doing this karma stuff like on reddit, where you accumulate upvotes in a giant imaginary bucket, has worsened these side effects enormously. Voting is not a bad idea if it's done as simply as possible, so that it doesn't lead to posting just to fill an imaginary bucket with imaginary points.

Chats and chat-focused apps (IRC, Discord, Whatsapp, ...) focus on small, quick messages. Long discussions are rare, as no one except the active participants at the time of the discussion benefits from finding a good answer to a question. Especially if looking it up means going through a history of short messages one by one to understand the answer. That's just not the point. Chats are literally just that: A quick conversation between people on the go. You're not going to write a proper master's thesis by chatting, although it might help you find your way from time to time.

And finally, the comment sections. This place was never intended to be a place of knowledge creation. It's just a big open space in front of a stand where people can randomly shout stuff at random people about what they've seen at that stand, usually with no intention of getting better opinions. It's just "here's my opinion, do what you want with it".

As Mark Twain once said: "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead".

[–] waka@feddit.de 12 points 1 year ago

I use subscriptions only for a long time and occasionally throw off dead weight there. No need for such a feature to be honest. I get most new interesting channel either by recommendations from youtubers i subscribed to or from random links like on lemmy. Which happens rarely, like, I subscribe to 5 new channels max per year, and remove about the same number each year.

[–] waka@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

People are asshats. That's why

It's all about cost reduction and fraud prevention. Those cheap stickers are simply tamper-proof, getting easily destroyed upon removal. Prevents being resticked onto other items. A simple example would be thiefes who remove discount labels or price tags from cheap items and put those onto expensive items, ready to argue that the item must've been mislabled by the store and then insist on the low price. Doesn't work with a tampered sticker.

Also, there actually are easy-to-remove labels being used - just not for pricing out stuff.

[–] waka@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

I really hope that major parts of the anime community switch to lemmy. Of course so that I can enjoy the view, but also because I feel the missing Karma feature discourages bot content and the fediverse nature makes it hard for bad players to actually achieve anything. Commercialisation is also hard, as anyone can just switch instance if they like.

Anyway, we need more Waifus here.

[–] waka@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That weird need for content gets to me as well. I went looking for meme sites and... well, what I found cannot be described as the bottom of the barrel, but more like the rotten carcasses of barrels in an old disused moldy cellar. My god that was horrifying. Even 4chan feels better in comparison in that regard.

It sound weird, but give reading a try. I went for Mangas using the Tachiyomi-App. Whenever I feel the need, I just read a chapter or two and that is all I need. Most will want to read books or articles, whatever helps. I also discovered news.google.com to be a great alternative for getting news, once you put all the bad sources on "do not show" one by one. Local news are often more interesting than you might think.

Go ahead, look for such things. Reddit was a giant tent you let into your life and now that the tent is garbage and gone you have a dead garden to replant with things because if you don't plant what you like, wild groth happens and you won't like most of it and then you'll be unhappy all the time.

[–] waka@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I give you that. However, I feel like the amount of times this happens here feels far more natural compared to reddit before the APIcalypse. Like, depending on the community, visiting a bar can be either peaceful, fun and full of interesting conversations or end I a bar fight at worst.

Reddit felt more like a completely overcrowded mass bar full of assholes in comparison. You had to actively look for the nice circles usually and hope they don't implode quickly.


So I've switched to lemmy since the reddit meltdown started, experienced quite some withdrawal symptoms, occasionally turned back to reddit, more often logged out than logged in. Now I am merely using Lemmy occasionally and by far not as often as I used reddit before. No more doom scrolling.

So far so good.

Today I went on reddit for the first time in like 3 weeks straight (I couldn't do that for the last years... yeah, I was very addicted in hindsight). I just... I don't know what it is.

Reddit just isn't fun anymore.

I turned away after maybe 5 minutes. There were maybe 2-3 repost-worthy pics, one interesting video and a few small niche discussions that all went straight tits up within a few replies.

If I ask a question on lemmy, it usually is a straightforward, honest discussion. Almost no blaming of the posters or answerers misunderstandings or senseless answers. It goes a bit back and forth usually and people tend to thank each other for corrections. I can't remember when that happened on a reddit discussion. Maybe years back? Anyway, I'm not going back there anymore, not because I hate the CEO, but because reddit is not fun anymore. Lost all interest in it.

Did anyone of you have a similar experience?

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