
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 33 minutes ago* (last edited 32 minutes ago)

Since there's no answer from Guix users over here, well, I use Guix as my main distro. The language choice is superior to Nix's half-Haskell DSL. However, the bigger issue with Guix is the lack of maintainers. NodeJS hasn't been updated since the last five year and Zig lacks a lot of packages. Another big issue is the centralized GNU server, which can fail at any moment. Their servers are all located in either the USA, or Europe, and for Asia, downloading NARs with such slow speed is a pain in the ass.

[–] 1 points 38 minutes ago

No FHS compatibility seems fine but certain programs require it and don’t have nix native workarounds.

Nix, as well as Guix, both have the option to enable FHS emulation to resolve this issue.

[–] 1 points 46 minutes ago* (last edited 45 minutes ago)

Things like developer-only scripts with hardcoded #!/bin/bash shebangs are more likely to break on NixOS than they would on a conventional Linux distro with Nix installed.

This can be substituted or patched to #!/usr/bin/env bash - it's an easy fix. The actual issue is contamination of environment, caused by mismatching glibc-locale between the host package and third-party package.

[–] 3 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

What do they spy on, the explosive diarrhea?

[–] 19 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's not a success. Two-state solution is a failure. Be it India-Pakistan, East-West Germany, North-South Korea or Sudan-South Sudan.

As someone from India, the two-state solution for India-Pakistan was a massive disaster. One of the worst man-made catastrophe. Rape, murder and violence between different ethnic groups, it was horrible. People were forcibly displaced to the other side of the country, leaving behind their ancestral village and belongings. This destroyed their culture and their language, stripped their identity.

These states were divided to satisfy the egoes of the two major political dynasts, Nehru and Jinnah, and as typical of pretend-socialist liberals, they were supported by the Hindu Mahasabha and the All India Muslim league.

Pakistan forced the use of Urdu, an Indian language, because their native languages had Devanagari-resembling script, and for that strong Muslim identity they went for a language with a Farsi script.... except that the language was Khadi Boli (a language from UP) with borrowed Farsi words.

Well, what about India? They went ballistic sub-nationalist. State majoritarians forced language on vulnerable groups, including mine (obligatory middle-finger to the Basel Mission and Kannada chauvinists).

Later, Pakistan's ethnic cleansing and rape of Bengalis, especially Hindus in East Pakistan (East Bengal) backfired, and the country broke into three. Cut to 2024, the people of Kashmir suffer even to this day.

If only the Indian communists from the HSRA had not been betrayed by the INC, a greater India with none of the communal B.S. would have existed. There would have been no Hindutva or Deobandi extremists jump around and squirming like cockroaches. And we have two countries armed to the brim with nuclear weapons.

[–] 23 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Economically, somewhere between Qatar and Lebanon. Palestine's sea near Gaza has a rich source of oil. They also allow ships to cross through, which is a nice source of income. Culturally, they probably have something in common with the Lebanese and Egyptians.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I was going to write a lot of stuff about my own experience, but then I decided that it wasn't worth writing and getting my identity exposed, so I'll say "same", minus the disowning part, because I come from a collectivist society. My failure as an mid-20s adult is theirs to blame, because that's how broken I am, and I still can't cope with the past. Tough-love my ass.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Bath towels: Daily (I bath twice in a day)

Bedding: Every week

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I'm interested to see the future of QuickJS, TinyJS and Duktape.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Systemd: the Biggest Fallacies - point 1 addresses what you're talking about, but remember that this blog is almost a decade old, so by this time, it is not reflective of the current condition.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

There's shepherd for Guix, which I like, to be frank. elogind is seperated, as opposed to logind being a part of the "init" system. There's also alternatives like s6 and runit.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

You have to download docker first, then enable virtualization support from the BIOS. Also don't forget to add the required "groups" to your current user. Then run the docker command (privilege escalation would be necessary, so use with sudo or doas):

$ docker run -it -e LEMMY_DOMAIN='' -p "8080:8080"

But this is a web application, not a native client. Why do you want this? There's probably someone out there running mlmym for your instance.


The instance of XFCE that I am using seems to be really buggy. I am forced to use both xfce-volumed-pulse and xfce-pulseaudio-plugin side by side, and the issue that arises from this is that now there are two notification indicators for the present volume.

When I remove xfce-volumed-pulse (this plugin is no longer shown on the official documentation), the multimedia key stops working, so there's no notification indicator.

But when I remove xfce-pulseaudio-plugin, I am no longer able to access the slider widget in the control panel, that allows me to tap into pavucontrol.

What is happening here?


I mean scripts like Shavian or Quikscript. Are these script useful to you in your day-to-day life? How are they better than the original scripts of your language?


My first request was around June. My second request, followed by an addition support ticket was at the end of July. In both these situations, I've been left without any response - no "hi"s, no re-assurances, nothing.

Unfortunately, I am not from the EU region, neither do I live in one, but given how this also affects the citizens of countries under EU, how should I proceed further? Is there a webpage online, where I can just file them? Or is it only possible through the local DPA/court?


I'll start - I don't shop a lot, but if I had to buy stuff like hardware parts, I do use Amazon sometimes, but if I can, then I try to use Flipkart. Realizing how it has turned into a monopoly, I try to look for alternative websites, and check if they're trustworthy.

If I remember correctly, the last three items I've bought online were hardware parts from some local websites. The chi-fi IEMs were bought through, and they were super-fast in delivery - I had to wait for only four days.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I've installed a new battery on my laptop, but to my surprise, the percentage of charge in the battery is at 0. Here's the upower diagnostics:

$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
  native-path:          BAT0
  serial:               0
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Thursday 11 July 2024 09:54:55 PM (16 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               pending-charge
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              0 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         0 Wh
    energy-full-design:  0 Wh
    energy-rate:         0 W
    charge-cycles:       100
    percentage:          0%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-caution-charging-symbolic'

The "energy-full-design" capacity of the battery should be 70Wh, but here it is, at 0Wh. None of the statistics above (except date and time) have updated, and it's been two days already. How do I calibrate this battery?


I've been searching for a used Thinkpad for so long, and the shipping price from the USA is ridiculously high between 80-120$, so I've been looking for any European options on eBay.

I came across a Thinkpad X395 from 2019, with AMD Ryzen 5 3500U, 16GB of RAM and a measly 265GB of space. On rough estimates, thus exact build will be sold for 150-250$ in the USA, plus the shipping cost. Now, this laptop is from Slovenia, at a whopping 900£, plus the 40-60£ shipping.

Now, what's with this ridiculous pricing for an almost 6-year-old device? Are electronics sold in Slovenia so expensive that they are barely affected by yearly depreciation?


Ever since I've graduated on September 2022, I've not had a job. Maybe a crappy internship, but I wasn't provided with a 'certificate', or letter that proves if I've worked for them. That was around October 2022, and I quit voluntarily at the end of January 2023. Since then, I've not worked anywhere as a software dev, be it internship or full-time, because the job market is so fucked up in India.

Now, how do I explain this to avail scholarship? I have yet to read other scholarship docs from other countries in Europe, and I'm already shitting solidified blood-clots reading this from the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt announcement document:

a curriculum vitae in reverse chronological order including the date of issue (format: europass, please note: the europass template does not include a date, please add it yourself) with exact information about your studies and practical experience; gaps of three months or more must be explained

(Update: And I just realized that I am an idiot for not reading that this is only for non-STEM folks. Well, it looks to me that DAAD for STEM is also almost the same, with more stringent requirements.)

In my college, there was no research programs - I mean, you know the typical 'Indian colleges encouraging academic plagiarism', so I didn't learn or do shit. And obviously, I have no job experience. I did contribute to open-source from GitLab, a few Ruby gems, a new unknown front-end framework for JS, then Nixpkgs and now Guix, but that's it. Honestly, I wouldn't even call it contribution, because only a few patches were merged - most of it was just me interacting with those folks. After that, I've done nothing since September 2023, because my laptop broke and there were no spare parts. Maybe a little bit of playing around with Nix and Guix, writing package expressions and that's it.

How do I explain this? CVs are supposed to be at least 2-3 pages, but this? I can't even write half a page with this.

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