
joined 11 months ago
[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 4 points 2 days ago

I think it is just Ireland though (which is why I added Ireland to the title).

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (10 children)

I give you a report

You linked to an article which I looked at. It in turn linked to a 128 page report which I did not read because it does not have a Gaza section - and Gazan conditions leading up to Oct 7 was what you were responding to. I didn't have time today to read the whole thing just in case.

Gaza was not anything like an "open air prison" until 2007 when Egypt closed the Southern Border shortly after Hamas took over: that was not Israel's fault. Water supply issues in Gaza are caused by Hamas who boasted in a 2021 propaganda video showing themselves digging up water pipes to turn them into missiles. From 2014 to 2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza which could have been used to build civilian infrastructure but Hamas preferred to spend it militarily on its stated goal of ethnic cleansing of Jews "from the river to the sea".

The Amnesty article cites no examples of government mistreatment of Arabs in Israel.

the article cites no examples of mistreatment of Arabs in Israel?

The article. Not the report.

Israel performed “massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians”

In Israel is was what you were meant to be responding to. There are plenty of Palestinians with citizenship in Israel. I think the West Bank settlement expansion is unjust but that is not the topic here.

you are completely determined to wash over the sins of a government

Nope I was trying to stick to the topic of BBC going against their own government's designation of Hamas as terrorists. You would rather talk about wider issues, so...

Both sides are "losing the war": Back in December there was a great prescient article criticising Israel and a companion article criticising Hamas.

Very few ProPals seem to do balance whereas plenty of people who try to understand Israel's difficulty (in avoiding being wiped out by Hamas) do criticise Israel.

Netanyahu's Likud party only won 11% of the vote and it took 5 attempts at a working coalition for them to resume power in the last election. There were two arrest warrants against him for corruption and over 100,000 citizens protested against the government changing the law to allow them to override their equivalent of a constitution.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Your link is to Amnesty — one of the many "human rights" organizations unwittingly supporting terrorists who hijack and abuse our good-will and free speech in the West.

Read about Akhmed Chatayev. Arrested in Sweden with guns and explosives. Arrested in Ukraine with terrorist material. Arrested in Georgia for participating in a terrorist attack (Lopota incident). Arrested at the Bulgaria/Turkey border. Amnesty basically bailed him out. He's the mastermind of the ISIS attack on the Istanbul airport (almost 50 dead). Luckily Georgian police eventually killed him in the end.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (12 children)

The Amnesty article cites no examples of government mistreatment of Arabs in Israel.

Arabs in Israel are equal in law to Jews (except for military conscription). Arab LBTQI+ find refuge in Israel. Arab women and schoolgirls in Gaza have to wear a hijab but not the Arabs in Israel (where they can even dance if they like).

the border checks since they have imported munitions in the past which they attacked Israel with.

this is an outright lie.

Just because some people use hyperbole like "world's largest outdoor prison" doesn't make what I said a lie. Blame Egypt for controlling the Rafah border not Israel. They have seen what happened to Jordan and Lebanon when they allowed Palestinians in.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

I'm not sure proffering apologetics for war crimes is appropriate for Beehaw.

ICC has identified (but not prosecuted) war crimes by Likud's Netanyahu and Hamas' Sinwar.

you clearly label Hamas as a terrorist organization

I named countries which proscribe Hamas as a terrorist organization. You obviously don't agree with these governments and it is fair enough to express it like that but not fair to try to bully me into agreeing with you.

a legitimate steward of the civilian population's will.

Hamas has not allowed elections in Gaza since they won power in 2007.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (19 children)

without addressing the actual reasons and events that led up to it

Then it would need to include Palestinians starting war against Israel then losing a disproportionate number of citizens then always repeating the failed attacks expecting a different result? There is a word for that.

Most of the Jewish population of Israel are those fleeing persecution from Muslim nations (not from Europe as is commonly believed).

"By 2019, the total number of Jews in Arab countries and Iran had declined to 12,700, and in Turkey to 14,800"

The only persecution of Gazans in the few years leading up to Oct 7 was the border checks since they have imported munitions in the past which they attacked Israel with.

How far back in history do you want to go in a 90 minute documentary about the Nova massacre? It doesn't actually matter now regardless of what each side says: Jews ain't going anywhere and neither are the Arabs. A two-state solution is the only option.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 7 points 1 week ago

There's the actual reason if anyone is interested.

That merely repeats the headline, it isn't a reason.


Hamas is literally an internationally recognized terrorist organization, proscribed by many countries including the UK and the Arab League.

CBC also refuses to call Hamas terrorists despite their government labeling them as such.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

He says nothing about the PIN, so I don't think that is what protects Signal as OP writes. It simply doesn't rely on SS7.

You only type your PIN into Signal about once a month.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 2 points 1 week ago

I found it confusing. Did he explain how the IMSI number is obtained?

Towards the end he said there was a special “interrogation” command that would reveal the IMSI but that loophole is now closed.

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yup. TL;DR...

Search terms for the list ranking include only: “shemale”, “tranny”, “femboy”, and “ladyboy”

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

You make it sound like an arthouse movie yet it is the extreme geeky opposite.

Or were you talking about AI summaries in general rather than this one?

[–] sqgl@beehaw.org 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

There is no mention of the compensation amount to be paid to Grant.

Not even the linked order says (which I would have thought makes it a "reasons for decision" not an "order"). It says "The parties have now filed cross-motions for partial summary judgment." So I guess it isn't over yet?


Follow-up to last week's story:


EDIT1: Politicians expect to be be exempt.

EDIT2: Good news: Vote has been postponed due to disagreements.


[complete transcription so that you do not need to visit X]

A crazy experience — I lost my earbuds in a remote town in Chile, so tried buying a new pair at the airport before flying out. But the new wired, iPhone, lightning-cable headphones didn't work. Strange.

So I went back and swapped them for another pair, from a different brand. But those headphones didn't work either. We tried a third brand, which also didn't work.

By now the gift shop people and their manager and all the people in line behind me are super annoyed, until one of the girls says in Spanish, "You need to have bluetooth on." Oh yes, everyone else nods in agreement. Wired headphones for iPhones definitely need bluetooth.

What? That makes no sense. The entire point of wired headphones is to not need bluetooth.

So I turn Bluetooth on with the headphones plugged into the lightning port and sure enough my phone offers to "pair" my wired headphones. "See," they all say in Spanish, like I must be the dumbest person in the world.

With a little back and forth I realize that they don't even conceptually know what bluetooth is, while I have actually programmed for the bluetooth stack before. I was submitting low-level bugs to Ericsson back in the early 2000's! Yet somehow, I with my computer science degree, am wrong, and they, having no idea what bluetooth even is, are right.

My mind is boggled, I'm outnumbered, and my plane is boarding. I don't want wireless headphones. And especially not wired/wireless headphones or whatever the hell these things are. So I convince them, with my last ounce of sanity, to let me try one last thing, a full-proof solution:

I buy a normal wired, old-school pair of mini-stereo headphones and a lightning adapter. We plug it all in. It doesn't work.

"Bluetooth on", they tell me.

NO! By all that is sacred my wired lightning adapter cannot require Bluetooth. "It does," they assure me.

So I turn my Bluetooth on and sure enough my phone offers to pair my new wired, lightning adapter with my phone.


I return it all, run to catch my plane, and spend half the flight wondering what planet I'm on. Until finally back home, I do some research and figure out what's going on:

A scourge of cheap "lightning" headphones and lightning accessories is flooding certain markets, unleashed by unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers who have discovered an unholy recipe:

True Apple lightning devices are more expensive to make. So instead of conforming to the Apple standard, these companies have made headphones that receive audio via bluetooth — avoiding the Apple specification — while powering the bluetooth chip via a wired cable, thereby avoiding any need for a battery.

They have even made lightning adapters using the same recipe: plug-in power a fake lightning dongle that uses bluetooth to transmit the audio signal literally 1.5 inches from the phone to the other end of the adapter.

In these remote markets, these manufacturers have no qualms with slapping a Lightning / iPhone logo on the box while never mentioning bluetooth, knowing that Apple will never do anything.

From a moral or even engineering perspective, this strikes me as a kind of evil. These companies have made the cheapest iPhone earbuds known to humankind, while still charging $12 or $15 per set, pocketing the profits, while preying on the technical ignorance of people in remote towns.

Perhaps worst of all, there are now thousands or even millions of people in the world who simply believe that wired iPhone headphones use bluetooth (whatever that is), leaving them with an utterly incoherent understanding of the technologies involved.

I wish @Apple would devote an employee or two to cracking down on such a technological, psychological abomination as this. And I wish humanity would use its engineering prowess for good, and not opportunistic deception.


Trump Republicans tried to take over the hall (assisted by the Secret Service confiscating noisemakers) and hijack the Libertarian convention. They lined up early then stole the front row seats marked reserved. It all backfired wonderfully.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by sqgl@beehaw.org to c/politics@beehaw.org

DJ Grothe on Facebook writes:

The Economist just did a big cover article on how great the U.S. economy is. Here is an unpaywalled version.

Real GDP is +8% vs. 2019, making “America...the only big economy that is back to its pre-pandemic growth trend.” This is compared to just 3% for Europe, 1% for Japan, and 0% for Britain.

Economists across the political spectrum (excepting the goofy ideological ones that feature on Fox News a lot) give most of the credit to the three big laws passed by Biden: the huge Infrastructure bill (that Trump always promised but never delivered), the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPs Act, which provide incentives to build stuff in the U.S. And of course they credit Biden’s American Rescue Plan, too.

Good policy matters. Time for some skeptical debunking of the economic doomerism.

Biden is getting more done for the people than any president since FDR:

A smaller percentage of Americans are uninsured now than ever in our history.

Child poverty is at historic lows, thanks to Biden's child tax credit in his American Rescue Plan.

Real wages are outpacing inflation for all socioeconomic quintiles.

The cost of living is actually going down (don't believe the doomers)

America is energy independent for the first time in 40 years, and has been a net exporter of oil every year since 2020.

The cost of a gallon of gasoline nationwide on average is around three dollars a gallon, which is just a little higher than it was under Trump, and actually lower than it was under George W Bush and Obama.

Natural gas prices are at 10-year lows.

Wealth inequality under Biden is narrowing for the first time in almost 20 years..

The wealth of the lower two socioeconomic quintiles have seen their average household wealth increase by over 50% just since 2019.

The stock market is on an historic bull run.

Violent crime, including the murder rate, is lower than it’s been in nearly 50 years.

There is actually less illegal immigration under Biden than under Trump, believe it or not. (There are many more illegal border crossings now than under Trump, sadly, but there’s an order of magnitude more detentions and deportations under Biden than there were under Trump, which actually results in less illegal immigration now than under Trump. Immigration graph

Unemployment is at almost a 50-year low, and it’s never been lower than it is right now for Black Americans and Latinos.

Average debt-to-income ratios for American families are falling, and bankruptcies are at historic lows.

The average American household has cash savings equal to five weeks of income, which is the highest ever on record, and it’s also the record highest for the bottom half of the population by income. Savings graph

Homicide rates have decreased since Trump.Homicide graph

Things certainly aren't perfect, but they are much better for all socioeconomic quintiles than they were in 2019, and much better by many measures than they've been in many many decades.

Thanks Biden!

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