
joined 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

what if there’s loads of different elements where the colour could he changed such as texts, links, and different ohjects like the nav bar?

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

what do those do?

[–] 2 points 11 hours ago

oh yep that makes sense

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

would that work with the jekyll theme?

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

oop okay maybe my next project should use a virtual python enviornment then


( for reference)

I am using just the docs (jekyll theme) + github pages to create a webpage and trying to have two separate colour schemes: a normal and high contrast option.

I am using a custom style with "_sass/custom/custom.scss" to set all the colours, layout configurations, etc. because there are some options that are not available using "_sass/color_schemes/foo.scss" such as more control over the colours of different elements.

However, I cannot find in the docs how to make it possible to easily switch with a custom.scss. One option is to create two github pages sites, one with high contrast and the other with normal colours, but that's really janky. just-the-docs seems to only allow you to create switchable colour schemes if you use "color_schemes/foo.scss" rather than "custom/custom.scss".

Am I forced to create a second github pages site for high contrast, or is there a way to switch between two different custom.scss?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

p.s. your point that facebook is "easy to get started with" isn't very good, since that would apply to most popular social media. think Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. they all make it really easy to make an account because they want you suck you in. that's the whole point of social media!

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

does this issue not apply to other programming languages? dependency hell exists outside of python too yk...

allso, I'm not using too many modules for this, most of it is "vanilla" python, if you will. I've only got a module that makes it easier to create coloured text and another one to generate ascii art. maybe the latter uses a few extra modules, but this project is relatively small and simple and it's just a funny little game. I actually used to not use the ascii art generator module before and just used to text to ASCII art generators, but it was getting really annoying having to backslash all the backslashes

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

i've fixed it! now it's specifically the V3 SE. also, I've also included the "KE" which seems to be a slightly better version with klipper-based firmware

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

oop, now I can. weird. maybe it's a network problem, bc right now I'm not home

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

yep, I've changed it!

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

listing the MSRP is a good idea too

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

yeah, that makes sense. i'll go change that soon

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

edit 2: Okay, I've made a few changes.

First, the printer's MSRPs are listed, making it easier to compare the printers. Voron has been added to the top of the subjective ranking, I left it out completely beforehand.

Qidi has been added, they are very good actually! The SV06 ACE has been added as well as the "Plus" variant, and the SV08 is corrected as a voron CoreXY kit rather than a prusa clone. I've also added the Prusa Mini+, but with a note saying that Sovol, Qidi, etc. have better value printers. I've also got BoxTurtle as an alternative to ERCF.

If you have any other suggestions, please lmk!

edit: really sorry for cross-posting the same thing 17 times, I won't do it again. I just wanted to share a cool project I made, but I should not have done what I did. Sorry for spamming your feeds. whoops!

I would like some feedback on bestof. Mostly relating to the 3D printing section as this is a 3D printing community, but also the site in general.

What things are missing or should be changed? How can I improve bestof?

After some comments in other communities, I've decided to start working on a better colour palette for higher contrast as well as adding more details to WHY I recommend the "best" things. A lot of categories don't neccesarily have a "best" (such as software) and I definitely need to improve on that front. I might even add a "reviews" section for more in-depth information about each thing.

I would really appreciate any feedback you have, and I'm really sorry about the spam! Promise I won't do it again!

original post:

This has taken quite a long time for me to make and now I can finally show everyone! Please lmk if you have any questions or think my picks should be changed to something else! (3D printers, filament, etc.)


note: i did NOT create the ASCII art. I'm not good enough to do that. I found on various ascii art archives as well as those image to ascii art converters for the continents I couldn't find.

countryguess was a project I made recently because I wanted to make a quiz that could be customised as you see fit. Also, I had no clue how to make GUIs with Python and ASCII art is cool so I decided to roll with it. It turned out pretty cool!

I made the maps by printing the ASCII art map, and then all the spaces that make up each country would be an array. These arrays would fill up the spaces like morocco[0], morocco[1], etc.

Then, when the country is guessed, the country (or an alternate name/abbrviation, such as uk for the united kingdom or ivory coast for cote d'ivoire) is matched with its index in the list of countries in that continent.

A second list contains all the countries that show up on the map (excluding citystates, islands, etc. that aren't big enough to be shown on the map) and has all the countries as either 0 (false) or 1 (true). Whenever the country is guessed, its respective list item turns into 1.

The map printing function checks each list item for whether it is true or false. If it is true, then the list of spaces for that country would be replaced with a list of equal length and equal number of characters but with hashes "#" instead of spaces " ". This means that, when the county is printed, hashes are printed instead of spaces and the country fills up

I've got africa, europe, north america, and oceania completed. I haven't yet made the map for asia because it's HUGE, and south america I haven't done yet as well. Also, central/eastern europe is VERY out of proportion and will be fixed...eventually. (i.e. long romanian panhandle)

other fun features I added include the ability to enable/disable disputed territories (Western Sahara, Kosovo, and Somaliland bc why not) and the U.N. observer states (the Vatican and Kosovo) as well as score saving to a "scores.txt" that shows the date, time, and name of quiz that you complete along with your score.

once I finished all the continents, I'll work on making a world quiz with ALL the countries. other things like capital quizzes and flag quizzes could be added on later, but that's likely very far into the future.

here are some more screenshots:

europe europe

oceania oceania

north america north america

the github link if you want to look at the code or just have a go at the quiz:

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