They need to do what unions do and take it back by force.
Beyond Betrayal
Do these dumb motherfucker even know what betrayal means? He's not betraying you, he's doing what he said he would do. For once in his life you should have believed him.
It's always projection with these guys.
I hope they know what happened to the Brownshirts.
If you buy this property you're going to be sitting there waiting for the day they send you a letter to tell you they're expanding their mine onto your property.
That's a level of uncertainty that I would not be comfortable with for my home. If it's "recreation" property, like hunting land, then maybe I would feel differently.
I have a homeassistant instance connected to a no-name Z-wave thermostat. It's been flawless for almost 10 years.
Well, no shit. Who actually expected the Israelis to stop killing people?
Sure they will.
Does anyone believe this jackass' promises anymore?
He also had a "750-milliliter bottle of 100-proof vodka and a gray sweatshirt with cloth cut off the sleeves" in his car.
Fucking pathetic "arsenal" if you're going to firebomb anything, really.
Waste not want not.
In my area I see old beds thrown out pretty regularly. I try to collect the bed rails since they're usually made from a single piece of maple or oak. I've made a few thresholds from them.
I was in southern Bavaria last summer and I so wanted to find a stranger.