It was noticeably quieter this year in my neighborhood. I blame the election and the unseasonably warm weather.
I think you're right. But it's also apparently true that there exists a critical mass of uninformed ~~fucking dipshits~~ flibbertigibbets, who could be swayed by this kind of thing. The true believers are unreachable, but so much political theatre is directed at that segment of the population that just can't be bothered to assemble more than one or two data points at a time.
I've never visited Asheville, but I know it by reputation as the Austin of NC—a liberal enclave. Is that inaccurate? If not, that doesn't seem to signify anything.
I'm sure that'll work, provided there aren't any meddlesome kids about!
I really appreciate this take. It's good-hearted and makes good sense. I'll try to remember it going forward, when cynicism overwhelms.
Thanks for the write-up! Am also ex-11B, and this really takes me back. A lot of things I don't miss about the army. Having a new officer come in and make some shitty changes, seemingly just to stroke their ego and put a bullet on their OER—that's definitely on the list. See, 1+1=2, so we can see that 2 is double the amount of 1. 2+2=4.
It can be—and usually is—both.
Every single article about "gen x" this or "gen z" that is 100% bullshit. Stop reposting this garbage.
Man, everybody knows T-cucks is just a pile of worms in a suit. Worst-kept secret in media. IIRC, he had to admit it in court—in connection with that leaked texts scandal.
I don't attribute a lot of positive things to social media, but I will give it credit for turning me around on spiders. Arachnophobia scared the crap out of me as a kid. For years afterward, I'd never sit down on a toilet without first getting down on my hands and knees to make sure there weren't any spiders lurking underneath the bowl. Thanks to years of spiderbro memes, now I generally view them as comrades.