Herbivores that have tusks or antlers rarely aren't dangerous to humans (even domesticated like deers or cows), big herbivores even more so. Elphants are the animals that often kill other big animals for fun with their big tusks, you can look up elephant kills rhino for example.
Anyone who doesn't work with elephants professionally shouldn't be close to them. They are big, smart and can hold a grudge. You don't go and pet a lion or a bear, why would you go and pet an elephant?
"Open"ai tells fairy tales about their "ai" being so smart it's dangerous since inception. Nothing to see here.
In this case it looks like click-bate from news site.
Is there a need for justification?
It's the status quo and not doing anything in hope (valid perhaps) that the problem resolves itself is the strategy employed by Moldova. While your comparison is technically true it's not all that clear, and it can become ugly, because Moldova as a state never actually held these territories, and in case of russian disappearance act they will immediately claim that they are an authonomous region as moldovan law states, or even start their old song about them being ukrainians so obviously they can't be part of the country on general terms. At best Moldova gets another gagauzia. Add to everything else their stokholm syndrom (I know that it probably doesn't exist) with russia and their strong influence.
Nah, you misunderstand, it suits business interests in both countries. Odesa (big port city) is like 60 kilometers away from Moldova/Transinistria border and Cisnau is in ~200. There is a lot of money in smuggling, unlicenced alcohol/tobacco production etc. There is like 1000 russian army people in the region and Moldovan armed forces or even politicians could have resolved the issue if it was in anyones's interest, call it a hunch but even after removal of russian forces it would take years before "re-integration" will really start. Despite region being very small.
Because they don't really want it. People living there are mostly old and had soviet/russian propaganda shoved into their ears for the last century or people with 3+ nationalities that also run business that is either illegal or in gray area, and opening that can of worms is of no interest to anybody either in Mboldova or Ukraine.
What? Jellyfin doesn't need any "suite"? You can use it with your collection obtained whatever way.
You had zero opportunities to be robbed by a family member at knife point due to them needing a fix. Sorry not sorry, no compassion here, people like that should be forced either get off the drugs or go to jail.
There is no ai in ai, you chain them more or less the same as you chain browser or pdf viewer installed on your device.