
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Thanks comrade, mad appreciation for the nice server you run here. I've found some really interesting reading thanks to the users and you seem to have a great culture.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Yeah I feel like their TOS update banned discussions/promotions of meat eating but I am not sure they realise that.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Holy shit actual facts.

I've avoiding arguing about this because I'll just be drowned out but gotta say it's worn on me the amount of people calling us hiltlarian dictators because we gasp want to let vegans post vegan shit without constantly having to defend themselves.


Hi all, I'm one of the mods that apparently caused to melt down for two weeks. It's a lovely sunny Sunday arvo, and I'd much rather go catch the last rays of sun in my garden than write about mod drama. Alas, I must have sinned in a past life.

Today the admins made a follow up post about the incident where the admin Rooki interfered with moderation of this community in a way which was determined to be against TOS and factually incorrect. Throughout this incident there has been no communication with me, nor to my knowledge any of of the other moderators of this community. Rooki quitely undid his actions and edited his post to admit fault however there was no public acknowledgement of this from him. In fact I wasn't even told I was reinstated as a mod which is quite funny.

The admins' response appears more focused on managing their own reputations and justifying similar actions in the future than providing a good environment for vegans, and other similarly maligned groups. Their statements about wanting to handle misinformation and overreach better in the future ring a bit hollow when they won't take actions to address the anti-vegan circlejerks under their update posts which abound with misinformation and disinformation.

The legalese written basically allows for the same thing to happen, and that if it does the admin decision is to stand while moderators have to quietly resolve the conflict at the admins' leisure. Presumably with a similarly weak public apology and barely visible record correction after the fact.

This community already has a fairly high moderation burden, with many users coming here in bad faith and getting outraged when they are told to take it elsewhere.

I have spoken with /u/ and /u/ and we are of the opinion that given the lack of assurance that admins with an axe to grind wont interfere in the future this is no longer a space we are interested in moderating and can't in good faith recommend as a place to host a vegan community. Instead we would recommend that users come to ! (note, not federated with .world, make a local account), additionally !, !, and ! are well moderated and run.

Mods are just glorified internet janitors though, so if any current mods or users want to take over the responsibility of primary management from /u/ they are welcome to do so and should get in touch. Otherwise I think the consensus is to close this community for now.

Finally I'd just like to express gratitude for the great effort put in by the users here. In particular /u/ you are a bloody champion for trying to get a better outcome here, we all appreciate it immensely.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Gimble vice and a fleshlight?

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

People's brains fall out of their heads on this one hey? Like wtf, you're actually responsible for what you say seems pretty basic. Nobody is arguing for prosecuting anyone who expresses opinions, or what they earnestly believe to be true and communicate in good faith. Just, if you make shit up and people get hurt well then, you did that hey.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hmmm lets examine this statement.

Isolated weird place, scary Russians, Russian stereotypes of intellectual game + tremendous violence.

Gee, it almost sounds like this is a too convenient racist lie. Any proof? The oldest reference just says 'it totally happened' and cites something I can't access on Google books. It's 20 years after the fact and not a primary source.

[–] 15 points 1 month ago

She makes a handful of digital toys free. Slurs hurt real people. Keep this in context

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Power is pretty corrupting and anyone who is a famous person (as in, public enough to maintain fame as opposed to just broad recognition) probably has a bit of an ego.

I mean your average normal person would be like "Don't idolise me, I'm just someone who writes books you like. Now please leave me alone" not posting on tumblr to adoring young fans.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

The implication is repressed her feelings of queerness.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Well, rather than gloating about how stupid I am and failing to uphold the standards of behaviour of the community you registered at. Why don't you explain what you think the person was referring to wrt envy etc? Or are you more interested in mockery than being helpful?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

fascist creep is repressed queer therefore hateful of visible lesbian romance is blaming homophobia on repressed queer people.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (8 children)

please stop blaming gay people for homophobia. Some people are just awful.


Includes a little jig off the side to bend the leads regularly, and holds the LEDs in consistent orientation using the cathode cutaway on the rim.

Designed by my lovely wife.

btw It is food safe to drink coffee next to 3d printed parts nerds ;)

P.S. this filament is awful, filamentium pla. The worst thing I've used since early reprap days when variability was high.

Any ideas what's causing that "shadowing" between the holes? those parts printed last I think but at the same speed/ironing pattern etc as the more matte parts between.


It'a detained by magnets so it doesn't get in the basket and interfere with spreading out the grounds. Needs a clean up with a lick of sandpaper, pretty stupid but these things cost like 50 bucks /shrug

EDIT: appreciate all the concern for my health, it touches dry coffee grounds. I agree that if it got wet there'd be health problems but unless it gets real humid there's just no opportunity for decay. As for random leaching same diff, without heat and wet it's not really a concern.

That said I probably will seal an improved design, this is just a test piece.


Does asafoetida smell amazing to you? and if yes do you consider yourself someone with an accurate sense of smell (e.g. identify if someone needs dental work in a conversation, smell who someone has been hanging out with, identify spices and herbs used in a meal with high accuracy, identify the perfume someone wears etc)


I've got a refurbed thinkpad yoga in the mail. It's a stylus oriented laptop so I need to change the software I use to be more clicky.

For years I've favoured stuff like netctl, xrandr, xbacklight etc etc over GUI alternatives and usually gone for very minimal WM setups (e.g. dwm).

For obvious reasons this would be actual hell with a stylus in tablet mode, but it's been around 15 years since I last had a clicky linux setup and I'm really lost as to how to set one up on arch. What do you folks recommend for laptops?

EDIT: update for wayward souls. Went with plasma, less works nicely out of the box but gnome hung occasionally on a 2019 yoga x1. There's a lot about plasma I would say is annoying but configuring it is vastly easier than gnome.


See attached photo for the results of the bed levelling test using superslicer's calibration test.

This is using the uhhh mriscoc firmware after heating to thermal equilibrium, tramming to tolerance, doing a 9x9 mesh which found a high point at the super messed up bottom left corner (higher than tramming result? but slightly further out).

I have M420 S1 in my custom gcode, and for insanity's sake checked the gcode of the part and it's in the custom block and start block.

Any ideas what's going on? every other section is okay, although back right is a bit distant.

EDIT 2023-07-11T08:27(UTC): So after some shenanigans the current findings are summarised as following:

  • Z travel speed during probing needs to be slow
  • multiple probing (3 samples) creates reproducible meshes and tramming wizard results
  • Trying to enable the mesh via G29 A ; Activate UBL \n G29 L0 ; Load mesh in slot 0 \n G29 J ; Correct for skew didn't seem to work. Replacing that whole block with M420 L0 S1 makes the Z axis move during XY translation (from which I infer the mesh is loaded and being used correctly vs my printer is possessed)
  • The above would seem to me to indicate the marlin documentation is wrong? as it suggests using G29 L# and G29 A respectively.

As of the time of update, that lower right corner is proving troubling, still. I think it's an issue with the location of the probe and interpolation results vs actual geometry of the bed. By that I mean, if we define down on your screen as positive X and right on your screen as positive Y the probe is located at MX, -NY vs the print head, thus the extreme location cannot be sampled. If the bed geometry is not smooth at that extreme then the automated fill in of my 9x9 grid might be wrong. I will attempt manually leveling that section and see if that helps

EDIT the second:

I'm going insane. Will take some photos in the morning but mesh values in the left front of the bed are wildly different from actual height.

Building the mesh with the probe will report a sort of hill in the centre going to low corners, the front left will report something like -0.3mm (although the mesh display only shows -0.2 mm editing the value shows it's lower) but if I go into the edit mode and manually probe that location it'll crash into the bed hard.

Setting it for light dragging on paper akin to the sort felt in the centre of the bed where values are accurate will have the mesh height at ~0.1 mm. A 0.3 mm difference? what the fuuuuuuuck?

EDIT: 2023-07-13T08+00:00: I figured it out. Thanks for your advice and patience. I will add pictures of the meshes at various stages to this post at a later date to assist any other wanderer in madness in identifying and solving the same problem.

In essence neither X or Y were square, the probe being offset in both X and Y created the problem. Because of the gantry construction it would be non trivial to square the XZ gantry to the Y axis so instead I verified that Y was not twisted and instead squared X to the best of my ability and precision tools.

Then I printed this part: to which my eternal gratitude goes out to a Mr S Grindset for providing in order to move the probe to be colinear with the print head in X. Ensuring that any error due to Y not being square is even for the probe and print head.

Now it is pretty good! Auto leveling works well enough to get "pretty even" layers, certainly none of the nasty ripples and ploughing I was experiencing.

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