myrrh three strikes laws apply to simultaneous convictions?.. my experience, polyester teabags never really took off stateside: it's only imported british mass-market teas which did the fused-pyramidal-bag thing as a product differentiator...stateside,i occasionally see boutique teas with fused polyester bags + strings, but i expect they'll change in short order based upon this controversy...
...if your tea uses folded-paper bags stapled or tied-off with cotton string, you're safe...
"Wisk gets ring-around-the-collar and your whole wash clean."
…body count! that’s a name i’ve not heard in a long, long time: a long time…
...two-faced rarebit...
...multi-whole-grain sourdough and way more dairy than i should be eating...
frog fractions
...trump's trivially manipulated: the next four years are china's best shot and they know it...
(ha - getaway car)
...that looks pretty modestly-sized in the foreground, honestly...
(this is a huge red flag:)