I went in to this show expecting not to like it, that it was just going to make fun of something I loved for mass market appeal. I've never been so happy to be so wrong. This whole show is a love letter to Trek. I'm sad that it's leaving but also really glad that it ended up being worth watching.
I wish I had something more to add to this. I saw this when you posted and thought surely someone more creatively minded than I would chime in. Just want to say thanks for taking the time to write this up, it makes you think about how many other one off deux ex machina type races that Star Trek likes to throw out there. The Organians, Talosians, whatever they decided Trelane is, the Douwd, the list goes on and on. It's quite fortunate for the rest of civilization that these omniscient beings seem to stick to themselves.
This is almost the exact experience I had playing Elite Dangerous in VR one time. I had my HOTAS mounted to the arms of my office chair so the whole setup could swivel. One day I was sitting in orbit over a planet researching a route or something. Ship sounds going in the headphones, comms coming in every now and then, then out of nowhere for just a brief moment I was in space flying that ship. I wish so badly that I could extend that feeling.
this here is the real issue.
The update was meant to fix a situation where an attacker would somehow get grub onto a machine that was SINGLE booting windows and use grub to tamper with secureboot. this fix was meant to only apply in single boot situations where it should be entirely unexpected to see grub. as they said, something went seriously wrong.
I hear the French had good luck with guillotines.
Docker takes a lot of the management work out of the equation as many of the containers automatically update. Manual updates are as simple as recreating a container with a new image instead of your local one. I would like to add try running Portainer (a graphical management interface for Docker). Breaking out the various options into a GUI helped me learn the ins and outs of Docker better, plus if you end up expanding to multiple docker hosts you can manage them all from one console. I have a desktop, a laptop, and a RPi 4b all running various dockers and having a single pane for management is such a convenience.
The green hand? That's the hand of Apollo. The actual Greek god Apollo. TOS got weird lol.