Americans will only start to feel embarassment when they need to apply for asylum in other countries to escape the housefire they started. Good luck with that, btw. Oh yeah, and that day still won't be close to bottom. Friendly reminder that the turnover for food in the USA without resupply is 3 days.
It is inevitable that capitalists will conquer their state
This I disagree. While we're seeing it keep winning and winning, and we might be put through all sorts of unimaginable hell's as it keeps winning, but human societies have been here before. A lot, in fact. People like to point at Mao's communist China and how bad that was, without knowing about the capitalist warlord China that preceeded it. Conquering the state by their means, such as violence or compromising/begging in grand halls? No, we'll never win, but nature always wins, it is the one true God we're all at mercy to. Back in the day of native central-american hyper-capitalism/imperialism/monarchism such as the Mayans, Aztec's, etc. where the population was literally everyone being enslaved to worship and human sacrifices, salt mines and pyramid building. While we don't exactly know how it happened (probably plague, it's always plague) but what is evident is that they consciously rejected hierarchy, dispersed into thousands of different tribes across the Americas, practicing amazingly complicated distributions of land and trade amongst eachother, totally free from any central forms of leadership but a series of central comittee's, consciously rejecting individualism, consciously rejecting laws in favour of reason, consciously rejecting arbitrary authority, consciously choosing a discussion over coffee and tobacco before resorting to war, even consciously giving preferential treatment to slaves they captured. Instead of labouring over pyramids and mines, they built social housing literal fucking palaces that thanks to modern archaeology tech has unearthed these things by the hundreds of thousands. And even then, by the time all that was so ancient it was all buried and overgrown, when the Europeans first came over and saw the garden forests they've maintained for millenia, the remarkable intelligence displayed by people who couldn't write or didn't wear pants, that women had autonomy! It was quite enlightening to those Europeans, so much so that they wrote plays that questioned European authority through sock puppets and fictional natives used as vehicles to promote ideas such as liberty, freedom, and atheism, without being imprisoned or executed for heresy. It was so popular, so was tobacco and coffee, upon which these certain Natives would come and speak in these French salons, the very same ones that great European Enlightenment thinkers frequented. While European culture has yet to assimilate to (Native) American culture, it has been reeling since, and the European ideaology of Kings has been shaken ever since.
Keep pushing, act as if you're already free.
Good luck, it's not easy, study their common arguments and give it only so much benefit of the doubt in so far as there's a rational human being that has come to those conclusions. The ones who care enough to be swept up by populism are ironically some of the good ones, they're some of the biggest victims of fascists as well. The truely evil ones, the ones that keep fascism strong, are the ones who won't even engage in the discussion, who don't really care, who are "too busy taking care of myself to pay attention to politics," who donate xx.x% of their salary to charities but can't take 20 minutes to read Albert Einstein's "Why Socialism?"** or even less time reading the communist manifesto.**
** This is less an advertisement for socialism/communism so much as how lazy one must be not to be able to digest those small pieces of leftist perspective by people who claim to be "balanced" or "centrist" while being anti-communist and pro-capitalism.
All in all don't bother trying to have a discussion with centrists, they're the most hopeless and selfish people with no code, no morals, no higher belief, just "I'm a mechanistic robot chemical bag trying to survive, the world is a zero-sum game, I get mine and if you don't it's your fault."
Doubt I’ll ever get the opportunity, but I’ll take it if it presents itself.
If you do, don't push. Instead, pull. Ask them questions, ask them "What do you want at the end of the day?" "To get the illegals out!" "Yeah but why? What is that a step towards?" Fact checking doesn't work, lecturing doesn't work, understand that they know no better than you know better than them. At least then there's a fighting chance of having a conversation, seeing eachother as on the same side, and agreeing on who the real enemies are.
Yeah, those MAGA. The ones you typically see on youtube videos or twitter aren't your average MAGA supporter, if you actually talk to one and ask them what they want, they start going off on things that even the most far-left Star Trek commie eutopianist could agree with, only to right at the end blame "the libtards!" or "DEI" or "immigrants" etc. They're uneducated, they're seeing things aren't good and rightfully so, but they're tricked into scapegoating before coming to the right conclusions.
Centrists? They say "You shouldn't pay attention to these things."
Pretty much my entire family fit under this category, plus at least 75% of the people i've met in my entire life, including schoolmates and work colleagues. Of the 25% that are barely conscious, 80% of them are (somehow and unfortunately) MAGA while 20% have moved into a tiny home or cabin somewhere to grow their own food. The MAGA crowd are at least looking around going "wtf, workers need to seize the means of production" meanwhile the centrist liberals are the ones going "things would've been better with Hillary or Kamala."
I've been lied to, gaslit, and blamed by my self-proclaimed "centrist" family my whole life, been called alarmist my whole life when i've been pointing at these very same things coming from a mile away. There are tons of others that did the same, at least alt-right MAGA freaks give you the time of day to argue. Centrists though? They're the first to say they "dont really care much about politics" yet hold their heads high with masturbatory egotism and confidently proclaim "both sides are wrong, I disagree with extremists of any kind." They're betting their childrens lives and future on their own malicious ignorance, like that joke with the priest who denies life saving medication because "Don't worry, God will take care of me," but replace God with the Markets and you have the modern day peasant that'll rat you out to soldiers for "heresy" and have you hung, disembowled, or burned at the stake. A person of self-interest is not a person of reason.
Then do something about it. If you're still too hesitant or worried to show up to protests, then from Europe with love: Fuck you, go to hell.