impeached is like "tried in court"
neither Clinton nor Trump was convicted, which would have meant removal from office.
impeached is like "tried in court"
neither Clinton nor Trump was convicted, which would have meant removal from office.
... there's already laws about that
it's mostly because the red hats love trans porn, and hate themselves for loving trans porn, and they just need a little help resisting temptation
bro is a little old to be going to coachella, no?
Stop saying that!
one of the honors-level English classes at my high school in Texas in the 90s was "the bible as literature". they had Bibles in the library for that class
cleaning it before it becomes a problem is how you keep it from becoming a problem
I'll buy a new calendar
like how all cats are girls and all dogs are boys?
i can't tell if his joke went over your head or if your joke is going over my head