Lol China is shit but not everything from China is a Communist party psyop
Separated = not together. So no, go wild
Oh yes please lmao
Noting to add to the computer purchase but I agree with others, buy the parts and build it with your son. It creates a feeling of 'mine' and is a perfect bonding opportunity. Also the suggestion to let your son pick out the parts himself is good
You don't have to store 2fa in your password vault, and even then, you can enable 2fa for the vault. It's just more secure. Be confident that your login info will be leaked sometime, somewhere. With 2fa you're still safe.
There's a difference between censoring sexual content or how-to-make pipebombs versus politics and free speech mate
It should be required everywhere.
Username+password alone is not safe.
OG Barbenheimer
Thank you for the explanation. But that's it than? Just convenience with ports?
Good job!
I'm still trying to understand what it is and why I would want it. I see several programs I use recommend it but I just don't get what it does and why what it does is good.
Mistresses nearby