yeah, there's all sorts of interesting ways to take it- i'm sure they each have their own merits and pitfalls... i once dreamed of a social media site where you could only POST one thing per day :P what that would do to the quality and length and decisions related to topic... but that would promote more botting
joined 1 month ago
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its just a casual suggestion, i am more curious about what it would look like- what it would do to promote a different behavior.. while the stuff about being singled out and targeted is something i've experienced- if i were truly thrown off by that tactic, i'd leave, but i don't see why this conversation must be about that and not the suggestion itself- do you think a system like that would work in the way i picture it? can you see any reason it would not work in a small testable environment? not looking for counseling, not trying to change the world to my preference, not on a crusade to punish people-- but it seems i'm easily caricatured as 'caring too much' or being 'weak/soft' in so many words.