It does the canvas anti fingerprinting with it's letterbox style display... Is strict with cross site cookie denial. A few more differences. Check out mulls site. I found it pretty detailed in its explanations
Pretty much the same, captain.
Yeah the media should be ashamed of how that got out of control. It was one broken English quote from a random Israeli soldier without any fact checking.
I am generally uninformed on this conflict beyond reading a a synopsis or history for the pass century or so this week, the agenda on either side seems pretty blatant from the media outlets. Now I haven't seen Israeli media directly but seeing what us centric media is reporting My god, I watched fox news and they were basically foaming at the mouth and showing the same clips and had a woman that would say the same thing every few hours trying to dehumanize the other side. I watched al Jazeera last night for a few hours and they frame the attack on Saturday as a counter attack (forever recursively correct) overlook what happened as much as possible and frame context to give it a morality pass and generally are trying to downplay how western media is reporting it.. I took a look at who owns al Jazeera, it's state run media from Qatar. We all know foxnews is basically ultra conservatives circle jerk. It's two sides slinging shit. However, al Jazeera seems to point out the lack of Israeli media allowing any western reporting of what's really happening in gaza which I 100% agree with. It's good to get perspective on either sides but to me both western and Arab centric outlets are obviously pushing their agendas.
I acknowledge my ignorance on the complexities on this issue and am only providing my take as someone trying to understand this issue from the woefully biased reporting surrounding this issue.
Yep I'm very impressed with syncthing. I just started using it a few weeks ago.
What's amusing is I am purposely not paying for bitwarden because of the check against darkweb leaks or whatever type feature when you pay. That's seems like an anti privacy thing. I understand it's a good idea albeit seems to expose a lot of information about you. I would like to do vaultwarden but don't think I can trust self hosting myself without paying monthly for a vps which I don't want to do. Home Internet hosting seems to unreliable to me for something that important.
Just random thoughts of mine here.
It was a rattata. I bought the gen one duel set. I was a kid, that was the first card on top. From my memory. I think it also had like a Meowth, a holo Machamp.I think was the rare. Super fuzzy memory on the details. This is the set that came with the blue and red glass counters.
I'm in this graph and I like it.
Yeah I'm mostly on my subscription. Go to all to find new content but that's where I'll end up blocking communities and depending on the day that's incredibly annoying to experience.
I think it's unique that we see more different sides and not just a US echo chamber that reddit was. However some communities of all spectrums have their idiots and communities that brigade stuff are very annoying. The idea that these communities exist is not the problem. I just block what I don't want to see. I am ready for the block instance by user feature. I have to play wack a mole right now.
True! I was shocked looking at my pihole logs and see how much Firefox phones home for that crap the other day.
For example: Firefox today on my pihole.