
joined 1 year ago

This one's a real reach. Mo' obsure, mo' better.

I got annoyed by my BRS Replicant (clone) showing up with very swanky channel milled handles, but no latch. Yes, it came with a little ballistic nylon belt pouch and no, even I of all people am not a big enough nerd to actually wear it that way.

So I made this, which is a little friction fit dingus you can print out of TPU that fits quite snugly over the bite handle and holds the knife shut, but you can slip it over the end of the safe handle with your pinky easily.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 55 points 1 day ago

Morons don't even understand that toilet paper is domestically produced, not imported, so a dockworker's strike would have fuck-all impact on the supply of it anyway.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

How many beers is too many? We don’t know since that’s different for everyone- but we all agree at some point, it’s too many.

This is literally exactly how it works, though. There is a legal percentage threshold of blood alcohol content wherein it becomes illegal. The line there is drawn. And although where it is drawn is specific, it's not in the same place, on a state-by-state basis.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 34 points 1 day ago (10 children)

This is simple: Keep your hands off my guns, quit picking on transgender people, and leave my porn alone.

Easy. I ought to be on the supreme court. Think of the payroll savings if you just fired all nine of those motherfuckers.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I second the Qidi recommendation. Both of mine have been champions thus far.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 16 points 3 days ago

I have to imagine that when some c-level suit saw that term in his moth-eaten copy of "Social Media for Dummies," I don't think it was intended to be taken quite so flagrantly visibly literally...

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Manufacturers absolutely do make only-for-sale-in-California-variant cars. Motorcycles, also. They're not as common as they used to be because emissions laws elsewhere are also starting to become as stringent as the CARB rules these days as well, so it's becoming more cost effective to just make everything the "California version."

Throughout the early 2000's, the distinction was much more relevant. The last vehicle I had to work on that I know for a fact to be a "California version" was a 2014 KLR650. It has additional (unreliable...) emissions control equipment that is not present on otherwise identical bikes from the same model year that were not intended for sale in California.

Furthermore, California will refuse to plate any vehicle that does not specifically have a California compliant emissions certification if it has fewer than 7500 miles on it, i.e. if it is new. Those that don't meet California's standards are labeled "49 state" vehicles.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago (1 children)

That, and the Internet has been teaching people how to create bombs since the dial-up days. I don't predict that LLM's will be either a benefit or a detriment to that particular strain of natural selection.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)
[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 24 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I haven't dug into the docs much. This really does return vectors? Because all of the OSM servers and services I have seen return tiles that are bitmaps, which for the type of data being displayed always seemed like a rather moronic way to do it.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 53 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (4 children)

As usual for the type of screeching and breathless hit piece that these types of things inevitably become, it seems that two very distinct things are being conflated here in a probably deliberate attempt to make them appear equivalent.

The headline image shows a bunch of nitrous oxide cartridges or "whippets" discarded on the ground, and there is one lonely mention of nitrous down at the very bottom of the article. The article puts a lot of scary words around "inhalants" but stops short of defining which ones they're actually talking about, and I'm guessing (having not watched any of the TikTok videos nor do I intend to) that nitrous is not the actual, or at least only, concern here. Either that or they're trying hard to imply that nitrous fries your brain as much as huffing, say, tetrafluoroethane.

Doing nitrous (or whippets, or hippie crack, or laughing gas, or whatever you want to call it this decade) is neither new, nor is it particularly harmful provided you can manage not to do it in such a moronic way that you asphyxiate yourself or pathologically huff the stuff at the edge of high precipices or while driving or something.

Inhaling propellant gasses from aerosol cans, meanwhile, i.e. the usual sort of "huffing," is monumentally stupid and also a fast track to permanent brain damage.

Just make sure you're packin' the right kind of chrome, choom.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 51 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Texans’ right to carry firearms on land owned or leased by governmental entities.

Like the courthouse, police station, and state capitol building? Can I carry my gun there? No? Wow, I wonder why.

[–] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 35 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Agreed. We should come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who coerces anybody to enter into prostitution, and leave everyone else alone.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17328458

Oh boy, here I go shillin' again.

I just updated my 3D printable balisong utility knife so hard that it wound up with a new name.

As usual, you get the brief version here. Massive amounts of details are located, as ever, in the original post and also at the Printables link.

Want one? Of course you do. Get the files here.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17097936

As usual, since I already wrote a monumental piece on this in the other community, I'm just going to give you guys the short version. The long version is in the cross-post link above.

What it is: A 3D printable Axis lock folding knife, mechanically complete fully functional, with Penguin beak wave opener, one each. The world's finest; the world's only.

We're having great fun with this and other silly objects over on !pocketKNIFE@lemmy.world.

Jooooooin usssssss. You know you want to.

Printables link: Here.


"You need to buy this special heater pad to break the screen adhesive!"

No, I think you will find that in fact I don't.


In keeping with my usual tradition of harping on about the dumb shit I design and slap up on Printables:


These brackets solve a specific, but major, usability issue with the aforementioned brand and model of cat accessory widely sold at Walmart, Amazon, Chewy, Pet Smart, etc.

Conversely, there's nothing stopping you from screwing your own piece of wood to the top of a pair of these and arriving at roughly the same result without shelling out 30 of your hard earned Washingtons.

Cat tax paid:


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/13318099

A Very Specific Object. You may or may not recall from my post a couple of days ago about the surprisingly competent (and very cheap) Jin Jun Lang JL-13A that one of its points of incompetence was a design that allows the latch to strike the blade, like so:

Well, sure I put a stop to that.

This half-gram piece of plastic slots right into the handle like so:

And means the latch will only swing in a 180 degree arc such that it stops just short of the tip of the blade.

It works the other way, too.

Grab it here:


Solving real world problems for a hilariously tiny number of very specific people. That's how we do around here.


My eye's not twitching. Your eye is twitching.


A word to the wise for anyone experiencing this in Prusa Slicer or its derivatives, where your top layers of large flat objects get generated by extruding these weird discontinuous diagonal stripes that seem to get pathed out in random order.

Change you top layer pattern from "rectilinear" (which may be your default) to "monotonic."

This just took me a fair bit of fiddling to figure out, and I wasted an hour and some filament cranking out one shitty looking part. Apparently this model in particular causes this effect, which the slicer has never generated for me before. I have no idea why.

Maybe this'll save somebody from banging their head against the wall too hard.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

Solving everyday problems that shouldn't exist in the first place: That's the 3D printing way.


The problem with the K-Mini is that it's too damn tall on the Z axis. The machine can only hold 10 ounces of water in the first place, maybe 11 or 12 if you stretch it above the max. fill line, so that's largest pour it can ever do. But for some reason the outlet nozzle is mega far away from the drip tray. 6", in fact.

So that means as your coffee dribbles into your mug that is, if it's relatively normal, between 3 and 3-1/2" tall, it splashes all over everything. The backboard on the machine, the outside of your mug, the countertop, the floor. Where do they expect anyone to find a 10 or 12 ounce coffee cup that's 6" tall? Do they think you'll drink the stuff out of a test tube?

So enter this. Print it, assemble it, stick it on the drip tray. This lifts your mug 33mm, and can be wound out to further lift it to about 55mm, which is plenty enough work with any mug in my house without finding the cats licking coffee off the floor later.

(And yes, I do use reusable filters with it and no, I don't need to be whined at about "food safe." Do you drink your coffee out of the drip tray? Of course you don't. Don't be stupid.)


The niche bullshit will continue until... Well, actually it'll continue indefinitely.


I just got done solving my years-long festering irritation with my spread of Pilot Parallel fountain pens, which come with a caps that ain't got pocket clips. Among other flaws. They bloody well have clips on 'em now.


I think one of the aspects I like most about 3D printing is the ability for anyone to generate what I like to call a Very Specific Object, which is an item with a purpose so niche it's a near certainty no one but the author would ever have a use for it. Ergo, it's an item that by definition doesn't exist, or rather didn't until it was created for its bespoke purpose. And the point is that it does have a functional purpose, but the more obscure the better. The beauty is that we can create such things as we see fit.

I think I achieved nirvana with this, then, given that this model has garnered precisely zero downloads on Printables. Despite the fact that at least one or two punters inevitably download any damn fool thing I post there. Not even the scraper bots want this one.


This is a clip-on end stop for the Ikea Nordkisa nightstand, in and of itself a specific enough object. It prevents the drawer from being pushed out the back, which is an aspect that while highly annoying has probably only had the chance to personally annoy a very, very small portion of the world's population.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

A companion to my last generator. This one makes cylindrical screw-top containers, with configurable dimensions and beefiness. And threads figured out for you.


(You could even store your ~~weed~~ KLR valve shims in it.)

Edit: This just received an update. The cap now generates with grip crenelations in it.

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