Recent Story of Seasons titles have been pretty good. They've put out a few remakes of older titles, Friends of Mineral town and the one a few weeks ago A Wonderful Life. And they also have some new titles, Pioneers of Olive Town.
Agreed, Aldi's stuff rarely worse than equivalent products, and some I prefer more than the name brand. Only things I balk at are fake cheese flavored things and canned goods from their German themed store brand.
Apple really doesn't offer me anything I want to do above and beyond what Android offers that makes the cost of transition worth it. I've been on Android for 13 years, I'm very used to it, know all the tricks. I like the level of control Android gives, I've loaded custom roms in the past and I side load apps now. I've also never had a (modern) Apple product and never had the need to set up any Apple accounts, so it'd be a pain starting completely fresh.
User replaceable battery. Just like the DS, little cover with a screw. Makes it so much easier to keep old hardware working well.
I still play OpenTTD, happy it got added to Steam.
Idk, I'm still working on CS1, maybe after I beat it
XFCE for the longest time, and Cinnamon recently.
Desktop is Win 10, laptop is mint.
I miss running a Linux machine at work, it was so nice. I imagine that having a modern Linux machine would be even nicer
Confusing similar domain names are a common thing with email. vs Same idea could be done with instances.
I haven't cracked my copy of A Wonderful Life yet, so I can't comment there. But if you want something closer to the classic games, Friends of Mineral Town is your game. If you want a more modern game, Pioneers of Olive Town is your game. I enjoyed Pioneers more, something to be said for newer game features and a fresh story.