“Y’all” was referring to anyone who’s still eating meat in any industrialized country that has access to animal-free options.
Have a burger and maybe contract bird flu while you’re at it 🥴
You got me: I use this one username to base my entire personality on because that makes sense
I’ve been following this for months; y’all really can’t stop shoveling animals products down your throat can you? ffs
Let’s say they don’t recognize property claims. Why does that then make it right for you to take their eggs?
Many say the native Americans didn’t understand the European concept of owning land (property claim). I’m not sure whether that’s true, but if it were would that then mean it was okay for Europeans to take their land?
Your logic doesn’t make sense to me. “They can’t say ‘no’ and they probably don’t understand property so I’ll just go ahead and do what I want.” Lame
Real productive arguing whether a faceless stranger online is healthy.
You can be both healthy and unhealthy without animal products just the same as you can be consuming them. Organic and GMO foods aren’t limited to vegan and non-vegan diets, and processed food is readily available for both.
For me personally, it’s about not paying someone to kill an animal that did nothing to deserve being confined and slaughtered. I’m passing all my physicals and check-ins with flying colors, so I’ll continue not scarfing down dead animals down my throat.
What is the deal with the fucking cages? This is very basic humanity.
“Wah! It costs too much! 😭” Fucking preschoolers the lot of ‘em.
Just to add to the mix: Third Day Adventists encourage going vegan, and quite a few of them are vegetarian. It’s not a huge religion, but I know that they’ve even been studied for their longevity.
We’re admitting meat actually costs more than vegetables now?