Idk, seems pretty bad to me:
It's "L.P.D.: libertarian police department" written by Tom O'Donnell for the New Yorker in 2014.
Damn, good one!
Oh, maybe that's what they meant here. I have multiple friends who make their own deodorants with natural ingredients, and those work well. Seems I missed the joke then.
Does deodorant need to be unnatural to be effective?
When your friends vibe with your ADHD brain
Doesn't sound like a good gift.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I resolve conflicts as they appear, personal or work related, they are a part of any relationship. Promotions - I am a dev, not sure what promotions would be relevant, and how that would be a problem. Job changes - many of my friends that I've made at work through the years changed jobs and we're still friends - I don't see a problem here either? And what dirt? How would they use it? If I told them I am tired lately, they would told the boss that I am slacking or something? And the boss would probably just think they are a weirdo to keep eye on? Maybe you work in a very toxic environment, I have never had any issues.
I made friends with people I work with.
How about this