
joined 7 months ago
[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 0 points 1 month ago

forums face a lot of the same issues federated platforms do, chiefly- why the hell would the proverbial i join it when reddit and discord already exist? i already have an account there, there's already a community there... i think for some people that's just never gonna change. there's no closing pandora's box. i run an online community with a small but fairly active discord and we have a forum as well in anticipation of discord going full enshittification, but it's just impossible to get younger people onto it. the fedi at least has the advantage of looking like the monolithic platforms people are leaving, but forums are such a foreign concept

getting a community going is a bit of a catch 22. the best way to get users is to already have users and appear active. if i recall correctly, early on reddit had a ton of staff sock puppet accounts to do just that. i'm certainly not advocating for it but it goes to show how tricky the problem is. the only real answer on an individual level is to pick a platform and stick with it through the thin years and try to recruit a few friends- after that MAYBE hopefully it eventually gets some momentum

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 0 points 1 month ago

i'm gonna level with you, i completely forgot IBM cloud was a thing and just thought this was MS pointing fingers at system Z or system . thanks for catching that!

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 0 points 1 month ago (3 children)

so Delta's non-Windows machines were the ones that suffered the most from a Windows software malfunction? that makes sense

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 5 points 2 months ago

kinda funny that they're doing this while still selling the remake for 50 bucks new. still, more mystery dungeon is always a good thing!

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 4 points 2 months ago

This pattern is driven by an increase in unhappiness among young people both in absolute terms and relative to older people.

also look at the graph in the article, the yellow line representing 2024 is signifigantly lower before 35 than any point on the blue line representing 2005-2018

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 68 points 2 months ago (6 children)

as someone approaching my 30s in america this sounds consistent with both my experience and many of my peers. our education system is more or less a trauma machine, and couple that with the demise of "third places" (places that aren't school or home for kids to hang out in without having to spend money) and the general state of the world being hard for even adult minds fo wrap around... our world is a difficult and unpleasant place to be a kid. it ain't a cakewalk being an adult either but it is relatively better with a relative increase in agency and more experience dealing with everything

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 5 points 2 months ago

i see comparisons of switch games on hardware and in emulators all the time and can never tell the difference, and same for all these recent 4k remasters. i am glad that there are options for people who can tell and do care but it's nowhere near as noticable to your average joe compared to the jump from snes to n64 or n64 to gamecube. or perhaps i am just a spectacularly below average joe haha

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 120 points 2 months ago (27 children)

i know conventional gamer wisdom says otherwise but i think this just goes to show how more horsepower just leads to diminishing returns at this point. people call the switch underpowered but it's best selling game is a wii u port! gone are the days of each generation looking infinitely better than the last

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 11 points 3 months ago

"No, you should totally go on this one, captain. Take the XO too. We'll be fine. We're all far too busy, uh, reversing the polarity of the deflector dish, and we definitely deleted the template for Romulan ale from the replicators for good this time. Also the transporter is on the fritz so you should probably take a shuttle, and then stay down there and see the sights to make it worth it."

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

does that have a free tier or only paid plans

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 0 points 3 months ago (17 children)

what antivirus are the cool kids using these days? i feel like whenever i finally settle on one it ends up embroiled in this or that scandal

[–] _NetNomad@kbin.run 7 points 4 months ago

if i had a nickel for every time Spock faced off against a unique species of cat-like predator from Vulcan, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice

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