
joined 9 months ago
[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's either Matrix or Fight Club, I guess it depends on the day

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

It was already tough being in a world where it's hard to see the difference between the onion articles and actual news. Now we're on a completely new level where news can be the result of playing CAH. It's kinda funny until you stop to think how terrible it is.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I just found out about this stuff... This is a fun brain teaser. Nearly got it, maybe if I had just one more chance!

Weekly Quordle Challenge 57
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[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

But you are talking about a completely different thing. Here's what it boils down to:

Obviously, we prefer to exhaust other options first

Does it look like that? Not really... Not when people are cheering for some asshole to be assassinated. This is not about the value of one life, this is not about the use of violence of armed forces to try and save others, this is not about the lives that trump would destroy. This is about people cheering for a murder, this is about a public figure inciting violence publicly... Did you notice the reaction of someone like Biden or Sanders (the two examples I know of, surely there are others)? immediately rejecting the actions of a violent man that decided to open fire against a big amount of people, it's irrelevant who he was aiming for. The only solution for anyone talking in this thread is killing trump, instead of voting the other (albeit very imperfect) party. It's still months before the election and everyone is acting like trump has won already and the only solution is killing him. Wtf.

I guess this thread and conversation has shown me why the US has such a gun problem. Why the police is absurdly violent against anyone they consider a threat. Why someone would resort to shooting a bunch of people if they've been bullied for years or whatever and feel threatened. Fucking sad...

All of this is not about me wanting trump alive and well, I don't want the orange turd around, I'd hope preferably that he rots in prison though and that he has very "nice" cellmate with him, but if he's gone from the surface of the earth all the better for the rest of us. That is not the same as inciting for violence, or approving the assassination attempt that has killed someone else.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world -2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

And your proposal is that justice should prevail by a public mass shooting to kill the orange turd?

So your thinking is that because trump tried to end democracy, now you have the right to kill him?

The only way to defend yourself is with guns and killing those who attack you? I wonder what group of people keep proposing that...

People like you, already defeated months before the election, saying that voting doesn't matter, have a lot to do with the end of democracy. Go vote, make it matter.

Shit's real fucked, you have in the states a candidate for presidency instead of being in prison like he should. And the problem is that no one has killed him yet? No wonder that justice won't work...

Either you are just trying to help the orange shit posting this kind of defeatist comment on purpose or you are just as bad as a republican that keeps saying those who oppose him should be killed.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world -3 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Don't use fallacies to defend violence. Killing trump is not the only way to avoid that from happening. Becoming a terrorist and promoting violence against a political group contrary to your political opinion is not OK no matter how dangerous that group is. You are using the same discussion techniques that fucking maga asshats use. Seriously you don't see the issue on the way you are defending the idea that assassinating a political opponent is the only way to defeat that opponent?

You are defending the republican gun nutjob that went to shoot trump and accidentally killed someone else? You are saying his decision making was the kind of behaviour to glorify? The same kind of nut job that will happily join in the death squads you talk about? What the fuck, how does your brain work? How can you not see the hypocrisy of what you are saying...

Of course that's assuming a sincere take and not just some piece of shit bot or account made to increase violence hatred and division.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 0 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Sincerely I am baffled at the take most comments have on this... Does this mean that because trump is a fucking fascist piece of shit that calls for violence against anyone he doesn't like we have the right to call for violence against him? Just because trump is a disgusting waste of biological matter that rapes kids do we have the right to rape his kids? What the fuck is with all these comments calling coward to jack black for pointing out how out of place is such a thing to say... It's a joke that I could do, in a group of close friends, that I know how they will take it. I'm pretty sure jack black would have found it funny in private. But in the middle of a show? Do we really need to remind people that calling for violence is not OK? Yeah we could take his comment as a joke... But what if some people in the audience are unhinged enough to take it seriously? The comment was definitely out of place. Freedom of speech has limits, and his comment is very much crossing the limit.

Look, I'm not going to lie, if I hear trump drops dead randomly tomorrow I wouldn't feel particularly sad (or at all) but I wouldn't ask for him to be assassinated or call for terrorism against republicans no matter how wrong I think they are and how dangerous they can be. What the fuck... there's so many people here hoping for a fucking asshole to be assassinated it's kinda scary even. That's not the solution against trump or republicans...

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I like the idea of the keyboard being offline and the LLM stuff but so far I can't see a way for multi language input. I'm guessing it's too early in the alpha state for that but I will keep an eye open for it, it is a promising project. In the meantime I'll test the heliboard others were mentioning.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

Yeah, I've been slowly moving towards using proton, testing it with the free account and I'm on the verge of getting the subscription. The addition of the notes app would make it so much better, I'd pay it right away.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 24 points 6 months ago

It seems like a very reasonable policy.

Is there some way to handle setting a contact to have the chance to recover the account in case of someone passing away or being incapable of accessing the account before it is deleted?

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

Wow thanks! Really need to try that one! Live tv is not my jam tho, I don't care much for stuff I can't choose when to watch.

[–] Yprum@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

Thanks a lot! I'll check what they have there!


Some shows in UK are free to watch but you need to create an account in their webpage and you usually need a physical address (plus they have ads but maybe those I can skip). I don't live in the UK, so I'm unsure how to watch those shows. Torrents are extremely hard to find, even more of good quality. Does someone have some advice on this? In particular I was looking for certain cooking tv show contest, but not only that.

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