AI forgot all the people who will seek vengeance for her, however...
ASI going online during Trump's administration...
They destroyed our ability to even use language effectively. Someone certainly read Orwell, and learned well.
It's not bad at all so far.
I'm left wing, and I'm stupid, and not by choice either.
How about second last because I don't want to eat a ban.
When I got my first actual Job shortly after my 27th bday EDIT: 2022 December. And was convinced I would turn the company around with my hard work.
Well, I sure left an impression, but it broke me, as I realized now that I had a job, how much I lost before I got there, and that money won't fix that. I started getting worse at my job as a result.
The poor mental health also lead to some poor choice of words on Reddit that got me several suicide care bot messages and a permanent suspension.
Wurm Online must have been the one I sunk the most time into. Hey! Thanks for reminding me Planetside 2 exists!
No annon! That's eugenics!
I'm sorry, but I find this a bit hilarious. People need a break from that stuff anyway.