
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 5 points 14 hours ago

About as good as Castlevania being a pachinko game.

[–] 2 points 14 hours ago

But then someone will remind them "sir...that's what mobile gaming is"

[–] 6 points 14 hours ago

If I have to go back to using Excite, I will.

Like, I'm tired of Google Search, it's always been shit. I'm tired of it's AI Generalization, tired of it's garbage results, tired of the stupid section of questions asked by 'people' with these low-hanging fruit and softball but dumb questions there is to be asked.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago

Wait until Big Tech does something and then Proton will cry about it. They'll be in for a shocking surprise that Big Tech does what Big Tech did because Trump and Republicunts allowed it to happen.

[–] 20 points 1 day ago

Nope, she's gonna be gone soon.

[–] 226 points 1 day ago (43 children)

Nintendo 5 years from now: "After suing multiple fan projects and intimidating them to cease projects, Nintendo admits that they were just fan projects"

This is the company by the way that's behind on the times of technology. Like, how long did it take them to adopt broadband technology on their consoles? The Wii?

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

OH. MY. Oh, I'm not shocked.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'm going to disagree. While it seems to you that it's the same game over and over. They do add more creatures per generation, there are new moves, there are new ways in how pokemon does battling and just new things added per generation.

The formula may have been a little stagnant or not as impressive as other leaps before, but still new things.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Okay so they just made it slightly bigger. I don't know how to feel on the joycons, though. Like with them just being held by that connector alone on either side, doesn't make me think they'll be as secure.

I wouldn't really call this an ushering of a new generation, this just feels more like an suped up Switch model.

At least you'll be able to play nearly all Switch games on it so nothing is that drastic.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago

MAGA Voters: "Derp derp, he said he do thing, yup yup, we believe, yup yup, dat mean he gon do it, yup. Them eggs and them beers are gunna be incredibly affordable anyday now, yup yup"

[–] -4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's not gatekeeping if it's common sense that people should possess already when it comes to pirating.


And what's your routine like?

I'm the kind of worker who prioritizes life over work. So that means I care about having light schedules if I know when it's suitable and if my expenses can still be met which currently, I'm in the hole on that. If I can get away with using as much PPTO/PTO/Sick days as possible, I'll do it. If I can afford to take points while balancing my expenses, I'll do that too and have done that.

I typically work nights and I like working nights in nearly all of the jobs I've been in when available. I can't stand morning and day shifts because it takes me a little longer to get warmed up during the morning and day. I actually used to have burned through mornings by sleeping through them.

But on my off days I do try to make up for some sleep at nights.


I'm not talking about physical case/disc/cartridge based games. But moreso, digital games. It would be a solution for gamers that fret about backlogs and knowing completely that they're never going to play the games that they have. That they've acquired from impulse, FOMO and other issues. May have been gifted a game that they liked for only a little while and may have nobody at all to play with for years.

I've learned that over in the EU, people can actually re-sell their games on Steam. I don't truly see that happening in America, though there's some small hope. But I want to take the idea a little step further.

Instead of just simply re-selling games, you could re-gift them as a way of recycling. Because I find that simply deleting them "permanently" (you can just revive a game to your library on Steam) is wasteful. You know you're not going to play it again, you know you've wasted however much money on it only to see it deleted to not be touched again.

Valve, publishers and the developers have already made their money and I know it'd be an uphill fight in America's case to try and re-sell. Because they'd just bring up the refund policy and it can be fair, at times, except for the 2 week time limit.

But I don't see a huge of a loss in re-gifting. Sure, I can see the argument of people gifting back so much, it defeats the purpose of buying the game again. I never said that there wouldn't be some regulatory practice in place to prevent such abuse.

That matter would be up to Valve/Publishers/Developers to agree on. My idea of regulating it would be that you're allowed to gift X amount of games for Y amount of time. That and you have to fill out a form per gift as to why you're gifting this game and you're placed on some cooldown timer from buying said game again. Just a concept idea.

There are tons of games that I do not play anymore and would love to see them go into the hands of other gamers that would play them. If the Publishers, Developers or even Valve think that they need to have some monetary value into this, fine, then users can at least pay a very low sum amount of money to be able to gift the game. Something no more than $1 at the least.


Playing billiards and having tons and tons of books. I also forgot to add chess in particular.

People can possess enormous collections of books, and do, but I really bet them that they don't pick up to read a single one. Only to sometimes bring up certain lines to win online and pointless arguments over.

Billiards is usually a bar/pub kind of game, but some others seem to associate it with intelligence. You don't need to be intelligent to play billiards.

Chess is self-explanatory. Lots of people throw around the line of "people are playing checkers while X plays chess" and other similarities. I think people look way too into chess as being a measurement of intelligence.


LGBTQ+ rights in the work force. I think I'm one of the few individuals who don't prioritize their LGBTQ orientation as my identity into my jobs. I know that people getting fired over their identity is an issue, but it's something that doesn't affect me because I don't parade my identity. I don't feel it is my job's business to know it either, I go to work, do the work, they pay me to do the work and that's the bottom line of our relationship, period.

We don't need to complicate things because I'm X identity and they need to get into Y politics over it.


I was going through my Wal-Mart+ subscription plan that I got for free and I saw their offers. One of which was EMeals, that was a 60-day trial. I thought that this was like Blue Apron or other meal delivery services so I thought I'd take a crack at it and hope that it would get me on a path to eat better.

Turns out, it's just a meal planner. And it's absurd to me why and how would anyone pay for something when there are countless and countless recipes and meal planners readily available for free. Who'd the fuck would want to pay for a planner? That's like paying for a calendar app.


Like, I know why it's being banned or has been banned or whatever. I just don't understand the rage behind to keep this shitty ass social media platform that is essentially Vine 2.0

TikTok has been the detriment to society today as Facebook was and is. People doing stupid challenges. People's attention span getting lower and lower. People pretending they're more popular than life itself because of their faux acting and lip-syncing.

Why keep the piece of shit?


Dollar Tree.

It used to have been an unreal experience witnessing the existence of these stores when they came out. Everything for a $1. No joke. The quality of some things have had corners cut and the quantity might've been laughable, but there was a good solid purpose for these stores.

And then I started seeing the signs after a few good solid years of shopping there. The first sign was how they stopped selling eggs. This was before the Bird Flu. They stopped selling eggs because they simply couldn't afford to buy stock and then the price hike to $1.25 happened.

And now they've hiked the prices again to $1.50 for some products in a handful of stores. Additionally, they've incorporated items going from $2 ~ $15 so they have long lost the role and title of being the most affordable places to shop.

Gone were the days.


In a statement written to be shared after he died, Rinder says his biggest regret is not "ending the abuses of Scientology."


I would, with mine.

My timeline is:

Born in '89 Toddler/Child in 90s Teenager in 00s' Young Adult in '10s Adult late '10s to present.

I'd want mine altered so that it'd be:

Born in '70 Toddler/Child in 70s Teenager in 80s Young Adult in 90s Adult in 00s'

And by now I'd probably be closing in on my 50s.

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