
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

350k? As in, 350,000 images? Holy shit, man. How do you have that many pictures? And how much storage space does that eat up? All of it?

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Love and use them for Photo, Publisher, and Designer, but there's no alternative for Lightroom. And honestly, I like Lightroom. It truly is the best at what it does. Simple, easy to use, great features, thoughtful design.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

macOS is just a great OS. It's polished, and thoughtfully designed with care, as are many of the apps available for it. I like that it integrates very well with my other Apple devices. Because of its BSD underpinnings, a lot of Linux-y things work very well with it. I use the Terminal (actually Warp, but same idea) on a daily basis for different things. A lot of the tools that I know and use on my Linux servers work here as well. I can write automation for it, and apps like Raycast and Alfred make building workflows and scripts, and tying those together, really easy. It's much more secure than Windows. I also don't have to worry about stupid shit like literal fucking advertising being built into the OS, as you have with Windows.

As for Rocky Linux, well, I'm a co-founder of it (and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation) and helped build it, so my biases there are obvious.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

macOS for personal use, Rocky Linux or Ubuntu for my servers

[–] 33 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The personalized, colorful web pages became streamlined, conforming to modern design standards and sacrificing individuality for uniformity.

There are some pretty big advantages to 'modern design standards.' For one, they make the Internet a less hostile place to users with accessibility needs. I don't have problems viewing clashing colors, flying gifs, jumbled pages with no sanity, etc, but a hell of a lot of people with various disabilities sure do. I don't want to even think about how screen readers try to deal with pages like that. Web1.0 offered absolutely nothing for those users who needed accessibility.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There's no need to be so nasty, friend. I'm removing your comment because this isn't the in line with our community value of 'be(e) nice'

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

LOL @ Star Wars kid comment. Gave me a good chuckle. But, that’s not fair to the real Star Wars kid, my brother was just enjoying being him, living his best life! You do him dirty by debasing him to Musk’s level 😂

[–] 45 points 1 year ago

This is a particularly low effort comment, provides no value, and is therefore unwelcome here. It’s also demonstrably nonsense, as others have shown you.

Please consider engaging intelligently, and in good faith.

[–] 62 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It’s not even enshittification. If it were that at least would be understandable through a capitalistic lens, a natural part of an investor-owned process. It’s the actions and thinking of a man-child with all the brilliance of a 40 watt bulb. No logic is to be had here.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm removing this post because I don't think it really fits /c/technology, and it does seem rather low effort and somewhat spammy.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Sad there isn’t an alternative to it :/


Like many of you, birds are very special to me. I connect with them like I don’t any other living creature, save my wife and kids. I photograph them. I’ve covered my body in nothing but bird tattoos.

To see that a THIRD of them have disappeared is like a knife to the heart.


Like many of you, birds are very special to me. I connect with them like I don’t any other living creature, save my wife and kids. I photograph them. I’ve covered my body in nothing but bird tattoos.

To see that a THIRD of them have disappeared is like a knife to the heart.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

I agree with this. I don’t have a problem with porn, but allowing it on your platform instantiates one HELL of a burden on you.

Let them go to places dedicated to it, like PornHub. PH now has verification requirements, I believe, to protect people. I can’t be bothered to find the article right now, but in the last few weeks I recall reading something about a ton of child porn being traded on Facebook.


For me, I have shortcuts on my Mac to change the wallpaper based on time of day (light or dark), but that's it. I'd maybe be interested in using more if I could think of a good use case, so share yours, if you have one


Fucking Religious Reich and this bullshit court...throw it into the fire.


Data on search engine market share is available, but I wonder what that looks like for Lemmy users in particular, who I would assume lean more technical than the average user, so probably use DuckDuckGo and alternates more than Google.

I use a mix of DuckDuckGo and Kagi. I'll also use ChatGPT, which can be good if you're careful to verify the answers it gives you as a check against hallucinations. It's useful for short, direct answers without ads or SEO bullshit.

This article on Ars (and if you're not a subscriber, you absolutely should be, as they are the best tech journalists out there) inspired the question:

Fucking Reddit. Enshittification ruins everything.


She has some criticisms for her past as an attorney, but I’m not sure why she’s so disliked now. What has she done to engender such distaste from the public?


Runs perfectly on my Steam Deck. And, at $40, it’s nearly half of what new AAA games are costing, a good buy for sure. Anyone playing this? I’m a sucker for the Alien franchise.


I’m not sure who the bigger clowns are here: Trump or the people who still support him


This poem was so, so good. I’ve never heard of this author before and I don’t normally read poetry, but I’m going to pick up a copy of his book now.

In case the paywall stops you:

was the same summer he met my mother. He and Uncle Max, home from college,

worked the family farm, drove cattle between fields, passed out by a fire

after trading swigs of Old Grand-Dad from Max’s flask, the night sky lit up

like a marquee, “Kashmir” playing softly on their portable radio. It was 1975.

On off days, he’d drive to Carbondale and see Dylan or Elton. He grew

his first beard, wore aviators and snap-button shirts, smashed a copperhead’s skull

with the heel of his boot. He met her, friend of a friend, on someone’s front porch.

Late July. He pulled a beer from a cooler and handed it to her. Overhead, carpenter bees

dug into the eaves, dropping a little wood dust that hung in the air, caught on the wind,

briefly softening the view, lightly obscuring it. At what point should I tell you

my father spent that summer on the farm, resigned from his job in Chicago,

because he abandoned his first marriage, washed his hands of a daughter, and hardly

looked back? And what to do with this? Knowing my existence depends

on these facts—the beer, the radio, my sister—every one of them.


Okay, but why do we care about polls as much now? Haven’t they been spectacularly wrong for the past few election cycles? Not all, but I definitely feel like the overall accuracy and reliability of most national and state polling has been exceptionally poor.

In any case, I’m not at all surprised that his supporters aren’t bothered by the indictments. It’s a cult. Like, actually.


Declaring oneself a constitutional county undermines the authority of officials authorized to act under the Constitution. I believe it ultimately subverts the authority of the Constitution itself.

When these resolutions instruct county police not to enforce certain laws, such as red flag laws that allow the confiscation of firearms from certain people, they violate Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution. Article 6 declares that the Constitution itself and federal laws are “the supreme Law of the Land” and cannot be overruled or superseded by state laws or laws at lower levels of government.

So any county that claims to nullify federal laws it finds objectionable raises constitutional problems. So, too, do assertions of a right to obstruct federal law or to impede the exercise of federally guaranteed rights and liberties.

In both scenarios, local authorities claim they are under no constitutional obligation to enforce, or to help state or federal officials enforce, laws and regulations that are, in their view, plainly unconstitutional. ... Notably absent were concerns about threats to reproductive autonomy, sexual and gender identities, or public safety endangered by firearms violence. Professions of constitutional fidelity by constitutional county advocates are more often about politics than real concern for the Constitution.

Note this last paragraph (emphasis mine). Clearly these people are not truly concerned about Constitutional rights--or at the very least not all of them.

But what about legitimate issues? Suppose, for example, a fascist were to get into power, and attempt to force federal law enforcement to override state's authority on the matter of abortion rights?


How do they even plan on enforcing this? What would possibly be the consequences for either parent or child if they violate?

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