"could be ousted"
Uhhhhhh no.
Nobody in their right mind would listen to this.
The Russian Puppet never intended to allow support to continue and is making shit up to try and justify halting aid without serious backlash.
Musketrump and the MAGAts can get fucked. Unless they're willing to go to war to enforce it, there's 0 chance of it happening. And if they go to war for that, they're going to have a hell of a lot of internal conflict that will absolutely result in blood. Militarily and civilian.
The fact that anyone can see this and think "yes, this is a clear sign we must invest MORE in oil consumption" is wild to me.
If ONE country is shelling out as much for renewable as the rest of the world spends on fossil fuels, then MAYBE, just MAYBE there might be something to renewables, especially given all the things we see daily about how much more efficient renewables are, how much money is in the entire industry, how quickly people are switching to renewables...
It's mind boggling that anyone thinks fossil fuels are the future, or at least can convince other people that it's the future all while caring about just the money.
I'd love to have a power wall and a wind/solar setup for all my energy needs.
Lmao this guy thinks hard work is what makes people rich instead of massive amounts of exploitation in an inherently exploitative economic system....
Depends on what I'm playing.
I can comfortably play some games down to 12fps ±3ish, if it isn't something that's fast paced.
I have yet to play anything where I'm skilled enough for higher than 30fps to matter response-wise, and while I can notice the difference between 60fps and 240fps on my monitor, I gotta say it doesn't do much for me.
Maybe I just don't know what to look for, what I'm missing, or how to set up my laptop right, but who knows. My eyes could be stuck on 720p for all I know.
The problem is not the price.
The problem is Ai "art" is inherently stealing the work of other people, and not in a way that a painter can say they were influenced by some other painter.
I mean, even if that is the case, so what?
Are other countries not allowed to have militaries anymore?
Space should not be militarized, in my opinion, but if the US is going to do it, then we don't get to finger wag at other countries for doing the same thing.
As I keep telling people, they keep saying "DEI" because even most Bible belt folks get uncomfortable when you drop the hard R they really want to say.
The ignorance is willful
Old people and overreacting to normal things because new ideas are scary and confusing
Name a more iconic duo
If the US tries to invade Canada, I'll happily lend my rifles to defend the land to the north.
I consider it my patriotic duty to my fellow human.
Just take care of my dogs if anything happens to me.
They stated they didn't break piracy laws because they downloaded a shitload of books for their LLM and didn't seed any.
Torrents are downloaded by "leeches" and put out for download by "seeders"
A proper ratio of what you downloaded to what you allow others to download should be 1:1 if you're not a dick. (1gb downloaded means you need to upload 1gb to other users for 1:1) but if you don't seed at ALL or if you only seed bare minimum to keep downloading things, you're called a Leech, and derogatorily. Because you didn't seed.
So they're stating "we didn't break the law, we're just leeches!"