Ok thanks! I checked out the desktop app and it's pretty awesome. I may just get the android app. One more question and then I'll leave you alone, do you know if the android app can chrome cast?
Am I missing something or is Miru $13.99 for the Android app? Just want to make sure I'm looking at the right thing before I buy it. Also really surprised something like this is on Google Play.
I was using Aniyomi but I think ot's almpst at the end without extension updates...
I bought Reka and Baldurs Gate 3, haven't played BG3 yet but Reka is fun! It's buggy so I'm holding off on playing more until it's a bit more stable but I'm excited. Been playing a bit of my backlog though before jumping into BG3.
I'm having that issue on All, I can view Subscribed ok at least. I assumed it had something to do with me filtering out Trump but it's good to hear it's not just me.
Part of the issue for Canadians is lack of access to healthcare. My province has a waitlist that people are stuck on for 10+ years waiting for a general practitioner. Even people I know that do have a doctor aren't satisfied with the doctor, but they can't switch because of the lack of alternatives.
I enjoyed it but I wish I didn't pay full price. The game is very linear and I think I beat it in about 6 hours. Also not a lot of replay value in my opinion.
I'm just hoping it's not another 12 years for the next one.
I'm with you on the houseplants, starting to branch out (lol) into hoyas now.
I want more Animal Crossing ๐ค I'm hoping with it's success for New Horizons that we don't have to wait 12 years again for the next one. A new Mario would be good too though, Odyssey was a lot of fun.